The gals at the local quilt shop talked me into doing Bonnie Hunter's Orca Bay mystery. I got them into Roll, Roll Cotton Boll last year, so turn about was fair play. Just rifling through fabric and cutting fabric and sitting with them each Friday to work on it together -- all these seem to have brought some of my quilting joy back!! And after completing a particularly difficult (for me) memorial quilt for a friend, I tied into Sam's Darlin' Hearts! And today, I finished the quilt top.
And I'm just in awe.
Not of my work. Far from it.
I'm in awe all over again of the beauty of friendships and heartfelt sympathy and prayers and love that was given to me in the weeks following Sam's death. Who could believe people are so kind! And to me!! As I've looked over the blocks, many are from "close" quilting blog friends. And just as many are from people whose blog paths I've never crossed, or if I have, it was a periferal thing. And yet they cared enough to make a block (or two, or FOUR!) and send them to me in the most difficult days of my life!!
There are no words to properly thank you!! I tried to send cards (I saved every card, envelope and note! :-D), but my tears smeared the ink. Maybe this small recognition will let you know how grateful I am. Each name is a link to their blog (if they have one and I know it :-D ) Check them out! They are all amazing!
Row 1
Sharon, Miki, Jacque (1 block of 2 she made!), Stephanie (1 of 2 she made! and I think that's the right blog!) and Ann...
Row 2
Selma Jean, Rhonda (the first block I received!), Cassey, and Rebecca...
Row 3
Debbie (the strawberry fabric was a definite clue! :-D), Sarah, and Teresa...
Row 4
Mary, Crispy (this is the one that sparked the quilt name -- because it made me cry like Charlene Darling on Andy Griffith! :-D), Barb (the sparrow story is amazing!), and Janet...
Row 5
Diane (my Hands 2 Help quilt-for-Romania exchange partner through Sarah's blog), Ann (1 of 4 blocks!!), and LuAnn (who also checked on me through Jeff's deployment! Thank you!!)...
Row 6
Sue (1 of 2 blocks!), Jacque, Ann, and Stephanie...
Row 7
Ann, and Sue, and Cindy Lou :-)...
Row 8
Beth, Tonya, Paulette, and Staci (this is the only one I'm not sure of...and isn't that a hoot, Stace, since your blog is The Confused Quilter! :-D)... Correction! :-) The last one on this row is Kate's (Kathleen, below)!! So. is the blue pieced one Staci's!?!? LOL Let me know, if you know!)
And Row 9
Kathy, Ann, Robbie, Kathleen, and Karen.
Many of the blocks came from quilters who participated in Sarah's Hands 2 Help challenge. Such generous gals!! Thank you so much!
I think the quilt top is just stunning!! I have a couple of quilters in mind to complete it, and then it's snuggle time. :-)
This is the first of three pieced quilts I'll make in Sam's memory -- I'll be piecing one with his boxers :-D (there are 24 pair of them!! :-D) in the next couple of weeks, and I have a bunch of blue fat quarters that my quilt club gave me to use in another.
I received a quilt from Mary at Quilt Hollow, and it's already a favorite. She won the quilt top, then quilted it and sent it to me to bind. What a blessing!!
And then I have his t-shirts and other memorabilia to place in quilts for Emily and Will. Sweet!!
Philippians 1:3-8 expresses some of what I feel for you all. :-) I like the Message translation...
Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart. I am so pleased that you have continued on in this with us, believing and proclaiming God's Message, from the day you heard it right up to the present. There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.
It's not at all fanciful for me to think this way about you. My prayers and hopes have deep roots in reality. You have, after all, stuck with me all the way from the time I was thrown in jail, put on trial, and came out of it in one piece. All along you have experienced with me the most generous help from God. He knows how much I love and miss you these days. Sometimes I think I feel as strongly about you as Christ does!
Thank you for being God's grace to me. Thank you for giving from the heart. Thank you for, as was said of Sam, loving "without filters." Thank you for being a part of my finding my quilt joy again! May you be blessed a hundred fold!!