Before Emily went back to college we decided to do a facial together. A local and wonderful Mary Kay consultant (thanks Brenda Howell!) agreed to come to our house and bring "the works" with her!
And boy, did she!! We had a great time being "girly" and cutting up with Brenda, a regular old "hen party" with just us three.
A "hen party" is kinda appropriate. After I got dolled up, my mother would have told me that my "comb was getting red!" It's an old expression for older hens (like me, I guess! LOL) whose comb turns a brighter color to attract the roosters for the up-coming mating season and resulting chicks! LOL
I don't know about "mating season" (and as for chicks, well...I think that ship has sailed, if not physically just yet, certainly mentally! LOL), but I am feeling the need to reclaim some health and beauty, and Mary Kay is as good a way as any to start.
Brenda also invited me to a makeover photo shoot...and it was so much fun!! Take a look at some of the shots they achieved....I, who have NEVER been photogenic!! These pics are of ME! :-)
Change is inevitable and difficult! After doing well with fitness and weight loss earlier in the year, I slacked off when Jeff came home, then just couldn't find the heart or the time to go after Sam passed away.
But as the year slides away, I'm mindful of the time that I'm losing! Of the opportunities that might be hindered if I am not healthy, looking my best, accomplishing all that I can in the short time I have remaining. Even if God lets me live to be 100 years old, the time will pass all too quickly, as I'm discovering in my middle age. :-)
There can be makeovers by the dozen, but no do-overs.
I was pulling out quilts to work on with my Hobby Quilter and found Ribbons from Kim Brackett's Scrap Bag Surprises. When I laid it out, I found -- much to my dismay -- one of the blocks turned the wrong way...

I "carved" the block out of the top (thankfully it was close to the border!), and turned it around so that the pattern was preserved.

If the quilt top had "feelings" :-D, I'm sure it would have protested the ripping, pulling, pressing, pinning and mending that took place
to bring it a little closer to perfection. :-)
I know I'm not having an easy time of this "perfecting" thing...
The Apostle Paul called it work!! :-)
"We proclaim him," (referring to Jesus), "admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy which so powerfully works in me." (Colossians 1: 28-29 NIV)
Christ is in the business of makeovers, more's the praise!! And the result is -- well, what we hoped we looked like all along!! I'm glad His energy can work powerfully in me, even when I'm not too excited about the prospect.
Even when this old hen doesn't feel like it. When pain and loss and mending are difficult.
So! It's up at 5:30 to walk in the mornings, aerobics three times a week. Beauty products and rest instead of staying up all hours to quilt and play Words with Friends! LOL
And the perfecting of the spirit--just as difficult and painful--but so worth the end result!!

A "hen party" is kinda appropriate. After I got dolled up, my mother would have told me that my "comb was getting red!" It's an old expression for older hens (like me, I guess! LOL) whose comb turns a brighter color to attract the roosters for the up-coming mating season and resulting chicks! LOL
I don't know about "mating season" (and as for chicks, well...I think that ship has sailed, if not physically just yet, certainly mentally! LOL), but I am feeling the need to reclaim some health and beauty, and Mary Kay is as good a way as any to start.
Brenda also invited me to a makeover photo shoot...and it was so much fun!! Take a look at some of the shots they achieved....I, who have NEVER been photogenic!! These pics are of ME! :-)
Change is inevitable and difficult! After doing well with fitness and weight loss earlier in the year, I slacked off when Jeff came home, then just couldn't find the heart or the time to go after Sam passed away.
But as the year slides away, I'm mindful of the time that I'm losing! Of the opportunities that might be hindered if I am not healthy, looking my best, accomplishing all that I can in the short time I have remaining. Even if God lets me live to be 100 years old, the time will pass all too quickly, as I'm discovering in my middle age. :-)
There can be makeovers by the dozen, but no do-overs.

I "carved" the block out of the top (thankfully it was close to the border!), and turned it around so that the pattern was preserved.
If the quilt top had "feelings" :-D, I'm sure it would have protested the ripping, pulling, pressing, pinning and mending that took place
to bring it a little closer to perfection. :-)
I know I'm not having an easy time of this "perfecting" thing...
The Apostle Paul called it work!! :-)
Christ is in the business of makeovers, more's the praise!! And the result is -- well, what we hoped we looked like all along!! I'm glad His energy can work powerfully in me, even when I'm not too excited about the prospect.

So! It's up at 5:30 to walk in the mornings, aerobics three times a week. Beauty products and rest instead of staying up all hours to quilt and play Words with Friends! LOL
And the perfecting of the spirit--just as difficult and painful--but so worth the end result!!

Mary Lou you are truly an amazing inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
Great post Mary Lou... and love the pictures!!! Prayers still go with you. I think of you often as I struggle to be a mother, wife and homeschooler. I don't know how you've gotten everything done that you do and do them so wonderfully! Love to you!!!
Deb Lowrie Rich- TN
Well said, as usual. I believe God gives us growth experiences to help perfect us. How we choose to receive them and what we learn from them is up to us. From where I sit you seem to be doing very well--and you look really good, too!
Carving out wayward blocks gone wrong, carving out time for yourself for a makeover and carving out time for exercise! You are such a good example :D
You're a hot mama, and I'm sure that mating season just got a little "busier" whether there are resulting chicks or not!
Now I know why you haven't been playing "Words" late at night- rest....uh huh, if that's what you want us to think then...nah! I know better! ;-)
Great post and oh so true. When I saw your pictures and I could see the picture you have of Sam - I saw the same wonderful smile.
Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
Tracy H
You sure know how to inspire the rest of us...thank you.
As for photos....denim jacket one is my favorite! what is Jeffs?
Mary Lou, you look amazing! So nice to have a face to put with the name now!! As always, an inspiring and wonderful post.....
Wonderful post , an inspiration for sure and you look great !
What perfectly wonderful photos - rejuvenating! We had our picture taken yesterday for the church directory and it was better than I expected but nothing to compare to yours. I know that we need to stay healthy so we can continue to serve Him, but keeping that weight in a good place is just so hard for me as I get older. I'm still trying though! Blessings, marlene
Beautiful! What fun, I too can see the same smile in Sam's photo. I will try to have my words with friends to you by 10:00 pm so you can get your beauty rest
Oh you look wondeful! Mary Lou~
your sweet son so favored you! :)
You are a encoragement to so many,
your light for Christ so shines.
I so often want to comment as I so feel for your loss....just I always feel like crying & yet you look like- I can hear you say
"do not for Christ"!
Your son should be a reminder thats what it is all about!
Blessings to you~
You are a beautiful woman, inside and out... created in His image! You are an amazing inspiration to me.
Take your are beautiful. Great post bring quilting and life together and finding just the right insight. Btw...I am now doing the exercise thing and today I really feel the improvement in my knee and mobility. Praise!
I am always so encouraged when I read your blog. Thanks for sharing pics of your great makeover and for the encouraging verses.
Beautiful..inside and out! :)
Nice to see your beautiful, smiling face. And I see Sam. :)
OMGosh you are gorgeous Mary Lou!!!! I bet Jeff got a hit between the eyes seeing how beautiful his wife is (both inside and out) :0)
Stunning! You look absolutely stunning. Hugs Linda
What fun! You are beautiful as ever!
Wow, you are beautiful! I know you didn't post the pictures looking for compliments...your words show the beauty within your heart too! You are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing!
Gorgeous photos! You have a beautiful smile. I also do quilt "surgery" from time to time. I dislike it though when I have to fix something in a block with 20 pieces in it. Oh well!
You are beautiful, with a million dollar smile. I'm sure you are just as beautiful on the inside.
Great pictures! Looking at them, then at Sam's picture on the side, Sam had your smile. Love the makeover.
Hello. I am not sure just how I stumbled upon your delightful blog, but stumble I did. And I have enjoyed it very much. I shall be back!
PS My son's girlfriends Mommy is a MaryKay lady. I love the cosmetics!!
You look fabulous, but it's your inner beauty that shines through each post. Blessing to you!
Wow! You're a knockout! I didn't see the resemblance between you and Sam until these photos. Now I know where he got his great smile.
Mary Lou, such wonderful pics. You truely inspire me! God is with us at all times. I love reading your blog.
Wow! How fun to have a makeover!! You are gorgeous! Although I didn't need a photo to know that.
wonderful post...I agree we all get the strength to grow and change from our faith within...
I love your pictures!
love your project too
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