Patterns and fabric and quilted blocks and panels and lace and pin cushions.....
I won the box from Anne at Write Here, and this box has been making the rounds in blogworld!!!
Here's how Anne told it:
"So far, the box originated at the next stop was then on to next it traveled to and then to Kelly at Kelly split the growing stash into two boxes, and box #1 came to me. Yippee! Box #2 headed to" So from Kelly to Anne to me -- and now to you!
I like how Anne says, "Yippee!" My kinda gal, for sure!!! :-D
I pulled a few goodies out of the box.
And put a few goodies INTO the box (but you'll have to win it to see what!!) But just to give you a little hint, here are 20 things I put inside:
So if you wanna be the recipient of this marvelous traveling stash, you need only to comment, and I'll randomly draw a winner and send the stash to you.
You take what you want from it, put some more stuff in and send it on its way!!
Fun, huh!!! I love it!!
It was a great mail day for me. Besides the stash, I got some "Pie Crust" muslin of Primitive Gatherings' Primitive Muslins line by Moda. Yummy aged muslin that's not too dark. It's creamy and light and has some agey character colored into it. I got some patterns from Mary at Quilt Hollow (Thank you so much, Mary! I love them!!). Wonderful stuff to use some of my Jo Morton stash! :-D
And I've been productive this week!
I have 46% of my Farmer's Wife done! Yippee! :-D (Can you tell I'm a homeschooling mom who's been teaching perccents!?) 51 of the 111 blocks are complete:
And today, I finished February's quilt top UFO #10 Moon and Stars Whimsy. The last of the appliques went on the border and it's ready to be happen sometime between now and Christmas since Son #1 (Kid #2) has claimed it for his own. :-D
I read this and it makes me feel wonderfully blessed:
Psalm 90:14-17
14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
15 Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years as we have seen trouble.
16 May your deeds be shown to your servants,
your splendor to their children.
17 May the favor[a] of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands.
In some translations, the word "favor" in verse 17 is translated as "beauty." May the beauty of the Lord God rest upon us and establish the work of our hands!!

P.S. Don't forget to leave a comment to win the Traveling Stash!! I'll close the drawing on Saturday, April 23rd at midnight (Eastern Standard :-D), and announce the winner on Easter Sunday!
I would love to explore it!
What a fun idea! This is the first I've heard of traveling stash. I love what you've put in.
Traveling stash, love it!!! I have also seen them called Pay It Forward boxes. I would love to win one, and send it on it's way!!!
This sounds like a LOT of fun! I have several things to add to it, and would love the opportunity to see what is already in it.
I've been follwing the stash just waiting for my chance!
Yay! Another chance for the traveling stash to come visit me! :o)
Lots of wonderful stuff in the box. Sounds like a lots of fun too ..
what a very fun idea, traveling stash!
oh I love your blocks they look wonderful, great fabric choices, I always love visiting your blog makes me want to go sew right now!
the stars and moons quilt is just beautiful
makes me smile.
have a wonderful weekend.
ps don't include me in the drawing for your wonderful giveaway, you have so be generous already.
I'm really loving your Farmer's Wife blocks...the fabrics are wonderful...and the Moon and Star quilt is just awesome! You've been a very busy girl!
Your quilt is looking amazing! I'm glad you had fun with that travelling box!
I think the travelling box idea is so awesome! I would love to take a look see!
the traveling box is a great idea! another Mary Lou
I'd love to play in the goody box for awhile!
Seriously! Sounds like wonderful fun to play in the goodie box! Hope I win!!!
The traveling stash sounds wonderful however don't include me at this time. I've been watching it travel and how fun to see it land at your door step! Bet that was fun to go through!
Your blocks are wonderful..nearly there! Woo Hoo!
Major score! It looks like you mugged someone! Can't wait to see what you do with all of it!
Your quilts are wonderful! The Farmer's Wife is going to be amazing when you get it done.
I would love the opportunity to win the Traveling Stash!
It's a fun idea but don't include me in the drawing.
Kudos on getting some progress made on those UFOs :0)
Your 46% of the blocks look perfect! How fun to be almost halfway!!
Love the moon and stars quilt too. Smart son who put dibbs in on that one!
Oooohhhh...I love the idea of a traveling stash! No one around me quilts or sews, so I have no one to trade with. :( Funny about the percentages...I homeschool, too, and am working with my son on them. So now EVERYTHING is random percentages! "I feel 18 percent better." "I've cleaned 86 percent of my room." So cute!
Your work is beautiful!
Oh, I want to win!!! Pick me, pick me!! I love looking through other people's fabric....
And I love your quilts - but especially the Moon and Stars Whimsy!! What a fabulous design!!!
I think I need to print out Ps. 90:17 and put it on the wall of "The Sweatshop" (wherever my quilting buddies and I are working) - it's perfect!!
Wow! What a fun idea...a traveling stash. Count me in! Your Farmer's Wife is looking fabulous! I want to start a 6" sampler quilt...can't make up my mind which way I want to jump!!! Nearly Insane, Farmer's Wife, Sylvia's Bridal Sampler, one of my own design. YIKES! I feel indecisive! I want to put applique in it too, so I'm still stewing. Congrats on your UFO finish! You are doing great with those!! Truly inspirational!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
Wow! What fun to continue the traveling of trash and treasures! Generosity to the next level! And cleaning out sacred space too. Becky at
I've been trying to catch the traveling stash for a while now...maybe this time will be my time!
The traveling stash sounds like so much fun! I would love to play.
what a cool idea.....maybe they will make a movie of it?? :) better than traveling pants
What fun, a traveling stash, I LOVE it (and would love a shot at it too)! You are one of the most productive quilt makers that I know, such gorgeous projects that you are working on... well done!
The traveling stash is a great idea. I hadn't heard of it intil now. Please put my name in the drawing. I'm sure I have lots of things that I could add to it!
The traveling stash sounds like so much fun! You take and then you give! Can't imagine going through that wonderful box! Please enter me!
I love this idea - count me in!
Wow, getting that in the mail is like opening presents. The farmer's wife blocks are looking wonderful.
Happy Stitching,
Such great fun these boxes hold. This a fine community we all belong to. I loved your chicken story. My daught-in-law has two chickens and yesterday came out of the shower to find one in her second floor bedroom. Phoebe(age 5) had let one in the back door when it was looking in. When her Mom wanted to know why she said I let the dog and cat in so why not the chicken. How we all laughed so chickens are worth far more than eggs they entertain young and old. Thank you for your blog
Wow! Your Farmer's Wife quilt is looking great! I'd love to discover the Traveling Stash box. It's a treasure chest in disguise. Have a wonderful week!
Love your Farmer's Wife! Oh, another chance at that lovely treasure trove - 'The Traveling Stash'
Love the name of the blog! So true! I would love to explore this box. One woman's trash is another woman's stash!
Would love to explore this box!!!
I've got MANY things to add to it also - just never want to GIVE away good sewing supplies...I always want them to go to a good home where they'll be used. Awesome idea!!!
I would love to see what is in the box. I have some ideas about what I would put into it too. Your Farmer's Wife quilt is turning out so beautiful. Can't wait to see when it is all done.
What a DELIGHTFUL idea!!! Traveling Stash!!! Very cooool!
Thanks for chance to win!!! Exciting to think about!! LOL
Hugs! :)
The traveling stash looks like great fun! I'm sure I could find some things to contribute after I take out things that I want! Please count me in on the drawing.
The traveling stash sound like such a fun idea. Please count me in. I would love to add and subtract fro the stash and send it on to others! Lizzie
I would love to take a peek into the traveling stash! I love those 9-patches you put in! I just found your blog. I'll be back, though, since I'm a new follower!
Interesting idea. Would love to win it next. Happy Stitching,
What a fun giveaway! Count me in for sure. Would love to pass it on via my blog too!
Hugs, Barb in Texas
Traveling stash? I've never hard of such a thing. Fun!
I love following the traveling stash around blogland.
We've been working on percentages with our home schooled Son (12) also.
The Farmers Wife?!? Oh, I have to ask... I have the book (and disk with templates) and I take it out all the time and drool over all of the gorgeous blocks. Did you paper piece it or measure the templates and rotary cut or... Your blocks look perfect!
I would love to have the chance to dig into the the traveling stash box & then send it on its merry way again!
Thanks for the chance!
OK, I've been watching this Traveling Stash, and I haven't enered before now. It just looks so dang interesting, I can't hold off any longer. Put my name in the hat! I wanna join the fun!
Oh, how fun! Would love to get a chance at the traveling stash!
What a neat idea, sounds fun!
A Traveling Stash, what a wonderful idea. I would love to contribute. Thank you.
Oh many pounds of stash can we add to the box? What fun ....thanks for a chance to have a peak :0).
Happy Sewing and Happy Easter
Boy, do I need this traveling stash. I could fill it again (and again, and again) and would then gladly send the box(es) on their way....What a fun project!Good luck to everyone!
This is a first for me.....traveling stash. Sounds like fun!
Traveling stash. The words sound like music to me. Happy Easter.
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