I've been sorta paralyzed for the last several weeks, getting only a little bit done on projects with deadlines, but not really accomplishing as much as I'd like, nor getting to projects that are burning in my brain to be started! And the truth is, I don't really function well in chaos....which is a shame, 'cause I don't really function well as a housekeeper, either! LOL
We had a bunch of friends over on Saturday night, though, and the impending cook-out/games night meant getting my house in order for company! My sewing room looked like the villains from Raiders of the Lost Ark had come through, ransacking for ancient powerful artifacts!! Is that the Ark of the Covenant!!! The Holy Grail? Glowing stones for ancient gods or crystals left by aliens!?!
NO! just gigantic piles of fabrics, scraps, and tools, thank you very much!
Since I can't seem to clean the rest of the house until the sewing room is done, I tied in and got-r-done!

I'll feed my leaders and enders through as I work on a couple more quilts for others (I've got a t-shirt quilt and a couple of memorial quilts on the burner) and on Sam's Darling Hearts. Last week I received a block from Teresa at Fabric Therapy, and it's another beautiful addition to the quilt:
That brings the total of blocks I've received up to 34!!! I'm eager to start putting them together!!
I love the words Teresa embroidered on her block: "Hearts Fly Free"
"I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:34-35)
There's no doubt in my mind that my son Sam is free!! What a blessing! What a testimony! So Teresa's block is another beautiful expression of Sam's life and death. I've been amazed at how people have understood his heart and made blocks that just "fit," you know?
Now if I could just get all my sewing stuff to fit....
I'm not sure even Indiana Jones could help me with that!!

That is a beautiful block with a perfect sentiment!
The Crabapple quilt is one of my favorite in that book of Bonnie's. In fact, it was that book that introduced me to Bonnie's website, which introduced me to her blog, which led me to other blogs, which got me started blogging... you get the idea.
Comforting words from the gospel of John, which I have just recently read, as well.
Good luck taming the sewing room--and open the closet very carefully!
i love it! I need to follow your example and get myself moving on the cleaning and organizing. I began yesterday with guests coming tonight.
Praying continued comfort in your life. (((hugs)))
I hear ya on having to clean when company is coming. It was quite the chore to get the guest bedroom cleaned out of all my quilting stuff. I'm happy to say that it is back to "normal" now that the kids have gone home LOL.
Teresa's block is just beautiful!1
Teresa's block is stunning - how poignant and pretty.
I sooo hear you on the house keeping thing. I love a clean house, but hate to give up creative or family time to clean. I've decided another week or so and I'll have my days to myself and then I'll get er done.
All your projects look great, as usual!
Mary Lou, I swear we are sooo on the same wave length!! I just decluttered and organized my sewing room 2 weeks ago. No wonder I was so frazzled and scattered trying to work in that chaos!
It is soooo liberating to have it cleaned up. Now, pray I can keep it that way!! lol
Isn't it funny that we have to have company coming over to get the house clean? I'm exactly the same way - which is why my hubby doesn't mind my sewing sisters coming over once a month - at least he knows the house will get vacuumed once that month, anyway! Love the new block - such a sweet sentiment and unique design! Still praying for you, sweet friend!!
I love the newest leader/ender project. It is nice to get things cleaned up then start sewing again! LOL
That is a very sweet block. What lovely words.
Love Teresa's block! I'm so glad you have received enough to make a nice sized quilt. Thanks for your post today; it was very special to read.
Great post! I like that crabapple quilt - it looks like it will be a fun project. I resist cleaning up my sewing room - I just close the door when company comes. Teresa's block is lovely.
I do love that Crabapple quilt!! My top is done, but I don't think I can have it machine quilted...it is wonky for sure!! Many hugs...we can do anything through him!
I got a chuckle at your Catch 22 with the clutter paralysis/housekeeping shortcomings. I can certainly relate. My machine has been out for repair for a month and the sewing table is just a disaster. Without the machine there to keep guard it's become the repository of "anything and everything." Now the machine is back and I have no place to put it. Perhaps I will just toss it all in a closet - how is that working out for you?
Your crapapple quilt is wonderful and the block you received perfect! I love that one!!
Blessings, my long-lost "twin"! Isn't it funny how having company can keep us accountable in our houses? Now I just need to teach company to open all the closet doors so that I am accountable in them as well! We had out-of-town family here for a week last Thanksgiving and that was the cleanest the house has EVER been...and my most exhausted time IN MY LIFE, LOL!
I love everything Bonnie does, and that tree quilt is one of my favorites. The leader/ender idea was a great revelation!
Beware of the closet, and I'm glad the heart block brought a smile.
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
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