Anticipay-yay-tion! Is making me late!
Is keeping me way-yay-yay-yay-yay-a-tin'!!!
(Thanks, Carly Simon! :-D)
OH! I'm getting excited!! I added another three Circuit Rider blocks to the wall today!! That makes 24 of the 42 blocks completed. They are moving right along!!
Doing the prep work for several blocks -- cutting templates and fabric out, getting the overlays ready and so on for my needle-turn applique -- has really speeded up the process!! And you know what that means...?
I'm THAT much closer to being able to start a couple of other projects calling my name -- The Roseville Album by Kim McLean and the Civil War Bride quilt!! (There are others, too, but I don't want to freak you out! LOL)
I can't wait!!!
There's more to anticipate, too!
I've decided to quilt along with Bonnie Hunt's latest mystery quilt at Quiltville -- "Roll Roll Cotton Boll." Bonnie has done hers in shirtings and neutrals, pinks and poison greens and browns with an interesting red "constant" fabric.
I can't wait!!
I'm doing the Moose on the Porch Layer Cake Quilt Along, too. Actually got two of 'em going, mostly because the second layer cake was drawing dust in my sewing room (you know I'm allergic to dusting! -- not DUST, mind you, but dust-ING. :-D) . The first two blocks are finished and in a couple of weeks, the pattern for the second block of the series will be posted here. Fun!
And there's more!!
I feel like Oxyclean's Billy Mays (may he rest in peace)!!
I feel like Oxyclean's Billy Mays (may he rest in peace)!!
Today in the mail, I got two precious unexpected gifts!
First, a honey bun and 2 1/2" charm pack of Charlevoix from Minnick and Simpson. They blessed people who bid on items to benefit the Semper Fi Fund for injured marines. How cool is that?!
And Mary sent me a fabulous gift pack with glow tape (I love that stuff! LOL), a wonderful notepad (my friends laugh about my obsession with containers and notepads! LOL), bobbin minders, and two fabulous charm packs of Kansas Troubles Butterfly Garden. So I'm flipping through my Snibbles Times Two book to decide which quilt I'll make with those. Fun, fun, fun!!! (and thank you so much, Mary!!)
I can't wait!!! LOL
There's a wonderful scripture about anticipation in Romans 8. Romans 8 is an awesome chapter in the Bible that starts out with the assurance that there is no condemnation in Christ -- in a guilt-ridden, blame-placing world, that alone is a great word. The chapter ends with the assurance of God's love -- that neither height nor depth nor anything!! can separate us from the love of God.
Smack dab in the middle of the chapter is this little gem:
"For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God's sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship]. (v. 19, Amplified)
The image is almost like childbirth, isn't it? The whole creation is aching, longing, praying for the blessing to come (as it did for Mrs. Goodneedle!) with all the anticipation and wonder it brings.
When we show who we are -- people who've been transformed (v. 29 of the same chapter! :-D) in the image of Christ demonstrating the love of God (they will know we are Christians by our love, after all!) -- it is the most exhilerating and challenging promise of all that could be in a person's life -- and all creation is waiting for that revelation, in "eager expectation!"
So what are you birthing in your sewing room these days? In your relationships?
In your life?
In your life?
Don't stop now! There's so much more to do!!! :-)
I can't wait!!!

your blocks are simply amazing....great stuff in the mail!! Enjoy!
Ohhhh so much to comment on...
First, love the applique blocks. I look forward to watching your continued process.
Second, I wish I had time to do Bonnie's mystery, not to mention the Layer Cake quilt along too.
And third, I just love Charleviox! The colors are so fresh looking. Laurie and Polly's Charlevoix quilts at market were just fantastic!'re in on the mystery! Love your fabric choices. I'm tempted to start the Layer Cake sampler too...hmm, just might have to do it! :)
I admire that you did the princess feather block in the Circuit Rider quilt blocks. That one had such skinny parts to applique.
Hey girl, stop and read my blog every now and then and leave a comment...... the idea......I think your song is going to be, "she'll quilt, til Jesus Comes, she'll quilt til Jesus comes, She'll quilt til Jesus comes and then in Heaven what will she do? hummmm....quilt, of course.
WOW those applique blocks are beautiful, will I ever do anythng as beautiful, no don't think so I am no where near as talented as that. The layer cake blocks are lovely too, now those I may be able to do. Linda
seeing your blocks makes me want to start this quilt right now!
thanks adding to my list of quilts to make NOW!
LOL glad your finding time to sew and just relax appliquéing, feeling better I guess
your applique is just lovely and I'm liking the LCQA blocks too.
I was just thinking that I should make 2 at a time as well-then I put myself in timeout- :)
Beautiful have a lot on your plate of projects! But love your choice of colors for doing the mystery quilt. I will follow along and save it for later to do. More than 2 projects at a time and I only go in circles.
I'm Lovin' your blocks!! So many projects going on at your place.
Very little stitching going on right now but the hours spent playing with my grandaughter far outshines quilting any day :o)
Hey are really moving on those CR blocks're going to get to the finish line in no time!! And your "moose" quilt-along is starting NICELY!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
Love your blocks and the fabrics for the mystery quilt look beautiful.
Love, love, love all your CR blocks!!! Really nice job!!!
I just started cutting the Porch Quilt from Fig Tree. I only have two of the 16 block fabrics cut and it will be a couple of days before I can get back to it. And I think I'll start pulling fabrics for the Beyond the Cherry Tree BOM. Have you seen Lori's blocks at Humble Quilts? They made me want to do it!
For years, I've said I'm going to live to be 143 - and will have to just to finish the quilts I want to make.
Your applique is amazing! (as is your time management!) I counted at least 4 projects in this post.
If you are ready for another one, head over to my blog for the Scrappy Quilt Challenge!
Wonderful fabric-mail this week too!
Oh Mary Lou, your blocks are just wonderful. That Circuit Rider is going to be a gorgeous quilt. I'll go check out the Layer Cake quilt along, because I have some layers that are collecting dust, too. I think I'll stay here with Mary and live til 143. There are so many things out there in blogland to sew.
Your circuit rider blocks look wonderful - hope you had a wonderful birthday and glad you are feeling better!
Your Circuit Rider blocks are beautiful. You are going to have a gorgeous quilt! And your Layer Cake Quilt Along blocks are wonderful! I'm participating in that one too.
What a wonderful post! What am I birthing? I'm steadily working on UFOs with just a few side trips...table runners, rug mugs, and tonight I cut lots of green squares for a new Christmas Quilt. What am I waiting for...the drive to begin my Weight Watchers eating plan (again!), my sister to get a few days off work so I can spend some quality time with her, and for my total amazement at the beauty of this season to fade a bit. Sometimes I just stand in awe at God's design plan! blessings, marlene
Wow! You are over half way to being finished!!! Woo-Hoo! It is so beautiful!!!
I have never done one of Bonnie's mystery quilts but I am planning to this time. Love your color choices.
What an amazing quilt! I love that you got a special package...I just received one too!
Let's I worked on two sets of cloth napkins to give as Christmas gifts, then cut and pinned a set of five placemats. Lastly, I'm working on a custom order for a friend. I'm making some labels for her quilts with my embroidery machine.
Thanks for the great scripture reminder. God bless!
You've been birthing a LOT lately, my friend, you should be in my family!! Ha~
Seriously, all your creations are such lovely and creative works. I am in awe of you and your talented mind and hands. Congrats on your win and goodies.
Thank you for the scripture verse. I am filled with profound gratitude for promises fulfilled.
Your CR looks great - I just love that pattern, and all that background is just begging for quilting.
I can't wait to see progress on the mystery quilt too
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