Two more beautiful blocks for Sam's Darling Hearts:
One from Mrs. G at From the Strawberry Patch and one from Janet O. at Rogue Quilter! They are perfect! I took the other blocks to camp to show the gals there, and I haven't put them back up on the design wall with these yet, but I will. I can't wait to see how they all look together.
I can't just yet because of the I-can't-reveal-it-yet project that I'm working on.
I have another sneak peak (or two)....
For those of you who guessed states last time, yes...! We are journeying through the south. I should know by this weekend where I'm going! LOL (Sorry, Crispy! I know how you hate sneak peaks!! :-D)
We also received word while I was at camp that our Sam died of cardiac disrhythmia of unknown etiology. Which means, of course, that his heart stopped and they don't know why. Profound, huh!?
:-) We will probably not know in this life the physiological cause of his death. Paul tells us, though, in 1 Corinthians 13 (Amplified) that the time will come when we will understand "fully and clearly":
12For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as [a]in a riddle or enigma], but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I shall know and understand [b]fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been [c]fully and clearly known and understood [[d]by God].
Like Jesus.
Paul ends his chapter this way:
13And so faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Sam's Darling Hearts will be a visible reminder of what love looks like! I hope my own legacy is that my heart was big and I loved without filters! .

I can't wait to see your design wall!
Glad the block arrived safely.
Your peeks are tantalizing! Curious to see what they will become.
Sounds like Sam was a "big-hearted" guy. Loving with no filters--that is a great way to be remembered!
I want to remember that phrase: "Loves with no filters". I will remember it when I see Sam's face, in the photo on your blog.
Wonderful hearts!! Lukes comment is the most beautiful thing I have ever brought tears to my eyes!!
I'll be good and just wait patiently for you to reveal your secret project, though it does go against my nature LOL.
I think you do love without filters, Mary Lou. I've seen how you listen patiently and gently encourage others. I've heard you tell how others are people, and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Sam inherited his heart from you!
Your new hearts will be a beautiful addition to Sam's Darling Hearts! Still praying for you, friend!
Love with no filters - that's excellent advice on how to live your life. Thank you for all that you share.
I don't think I've heard anything so beautiful said about anyone...that he loved without filters. Oh how I wish that could be said about me when I am gone home. I want to be more like Sam! blessings, marlene
Mary Lou, I was just reading your post to my husband and he said "Sam died because God called him home. He had lived all the days prepared for him."
You have a precious heart too.
A beautiful Bible passage MaryLou and one that has always given me peace. I do not remember hearing those verses from the amplified Bible so I am glad you shared it.
Love that quilt from Edyta, and the kit looks lovely, I like the way she mixes batiks with other cottons. The heart quilt is going to be beautiful.
The beauty and comforting nature of Sam's heart blocks brings a lump to my throat every time I see them and read about them.
The kit from Edyta looks like what we always hope to get--lovely and labeled. I have the book--very tempted to check out her kits.
I think that Love Without Filters is the greatest of all compliments; Sam has taught me to try and live with a large heart too. I am going to remember this phrase and will always think of Sam's smiling, happy face.
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