I'm traveling this week with friends to the Deep South -- Mississippi! crashing the family reunion of some very dear friends of ours. We'll be away from it all in a cabin -- no internet :-( -- but Jennifer is a quilter (YES!! :-D) and we have a bunch of boys that are very nearly the same age to entertain each other (and probably us! LOL) along with my college-age daughter and pre-teen son. It's gonna be a hoot! Especially after ten hours in a van with this wild crew.... I'm either crazy or very, very patient. Can you guess which!?!
So I thought I'd share a little of what I'm thankful for this week.
I'm thankful for family!
My Jeff is alive and well on foreign soil; that he is alive and well is a major blessing!! That he loves his family and his country enough to participate in her defense, is an honor and blessing beyond words. And I have three fantastic, beautiful, healthy children, who continually amaze me.
I'm thankful for family!
My sister, Marlene, came over on Saturday -- knowing I was under a deadline she deep-cleaned my kitchen, dining room and living room 'til they absolutely glow! Don't you just love the smell of Pine-Sol and Pledge and Windex!?! I have a great sister!! And I'll come home from Mississippi to a clean, fresh house.
I'm thankful for family!

I have such a great group of friends who are like family to me -- supportive, encouraging, loving, direct, fun...I've heard it said that friends are the family you get to pick for yourself.
And that family has extended this year through blogging! I have met a so many wonderful, loving, generous people who are enriching my life and stretching me as a quilter.
I'm thankful for family -- a local faith family whose mission is to love God and love people and lead them to become disciples of Jesus Christ through relationship with Him -- not religion.

And on-line people of faith who love God and love people and share the Good News in word and in deed. And still others who have not decided what they believe, yet, but are seeking. What a pleasure to be a part of their journey!
I'm blessed beyond measure!

I'm thankful for family. I have a heavenly Father whose love is everlasting, whose mercies are new every morning.
I so much want the blessings I have been given to spill out to others! I pray God's richest blessings on you during this Thanksgiving Season!!
"Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD for he is good; his love endures forever!" Psalm 106:1
"Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things." Psalm 107:8-9
Happy Thanksgiving, FRIEND, stay safe. Paula
Happy Thanksgiving! Safe travels to you and your family!
Have an awesome time! Loved this post! I love your living room...can I come over and cozy up in the comfy chairs..I'll help quilt LOL!
Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your time in the cabin! Safe travels!
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know it's hard being separated during the holidays...God Bless your husband too!!
A big Amen to all the above! Your living room is so lovely and inviting. May God bless your husband in his service, and I hope you and your family have a safe journey to the land of Dixie and back, and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
What a nice post. We do have so much to be thankful for....You know what? I'm thankful for your husband too and all the other men and women who are serving our wonderful country.
Yes, I love the smell of Pinesol, pledge and windex! It lets me know my house is clean:) Your living room is beautiful!!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!!
Have a great time~Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
What a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving...that was a wonderful blog post to read. I see you are doing Bonnie's mystery too!
I love the photograph of the quilt in the hoop just waiting for more quilting!
Happy Thanksgiving, hope you have a great time, have a safe journey. Linda x
Amen! Mary Lou, Amen! Your post brought tears of thankfulness to my eyes. And you know what? I'm thankful for your DH, too. And for the other men and women who are serving, also. And for YOU and the other families who share their loved ones for this service to me and our country.
God bless you! Have a wonderful trip.
Safe travels....blog at me when you get back will ya! Hugs!!
Hi Mary Lou....Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Have a great time, and be sure and thank Jeff for his service. Oh,and I see you have the first part of the mystery done. As soon as the leftovers are put away and things settle down here, I'm going to get started.
Happiest Thanksgiving to you and yours...especially that loved overseas...special prayers for him!
Hope you and Jennifer and the youngins have a great time and a safe trip. Love ya.
Your post today is great. Giving Thanks to the one who made us and keeps us. Finding friends of faith online who also quilt has been a great blessing to me.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
First time here...Wonderfully written... p.s. Thank you to you and your husband and family - that you all sacrifice so much for my family's freedom...and this wonderful place we live in called America.
Wishing you many blessings would never be enough to convey the gratitude we feel...
You are loved.
Ah, so nice you had a great weekend. You deserve it!
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