It's been an interesting week so far at the ol' Casada homestead! I'm diligently working on my #4 UFO, "Wilfred and Cloves" with it's applique'd center (which I've changed, of course! :-D), but I've been thwarted somewhat in my sewing plans....
It started Sunday afternoon as I was returning home from Asbury University where I'd dropped my daughter for another week of school. I called home to check on the boys, and they told me about a huge rat/mouse the cats were playing with on the porch. Lovely!! (not) "I'll check on it when I get home!!"
So an hour later, I'm looking at this thing Lucky cat has under the paws....
And it's moving.
And it's got a tail like a rat/mouse...but the head is not right...
It's a KITTEN!!!!
Lucky is not, as we'd assumed -- as we'd been TOLD by my brother who brought him to me after rescuing him (um, HER!) from the motor of a car -- a MALE cat! He's a SHE!! Lucky had ridden into town inside the whirring motor of a car and survived to tell the tale, thus the name and my brother's subsequent rescue and arrangment of our adopting him (HER!). We'd have never taken a female (for obvious reasons).
But the kitten....Sigh. Sweetest thing. EVER! It's little eyes aren't open yet, and Lucky cat is the sweetest mama cat ever. What's a chicken-owning, quilting, homeschooling mama like me gonna do!? Fix her, of course. Ironic, really, that he's a she I was lamenting a few days ago about the identity crisis of my chicken. Apparently there are LOTS of secrets on this erswhile homestead of mine.
See what happens when your husband goes to Afghanistan!!?!
And the bees swarmed. They COULDN"T wait until he is home in a couple of weeks. NOOOOOO! They do it now.
Kittens. (Well, blessedly, only 1 kitten!) Fine. I can handle that.
Swarming bees!?! NO. I worried about killing Jeff's bees through neglect, and the dern things have prospered and multiplied until there's enough for two hives!! The chickens, which I actually kinda liked, are knocked off one by one by varmints or pestilence or neighbor's villainous dogs, and the bees which freak me totally out are taking over the place!!
Where's the justice!?! Where's the fairness of it all!?!
In Afghanistan, apparently. As usual, my beloved if annoying husband gets the last laugh! :-D
Oh well. I'll tell him my stash has reproduced in proportion to the bees.
Those piles of fabric on the tables and chairs are SWARM.
Hehehehe. Maybe there is some justice in the world after all!! LOL
He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (NASB)
Did I mention my husband hates cats!?! God is good. All the time!! :-D

P.S. Don't forget to qualify for the Traveling Stash drawing!!! You'll find the post here!
It started Sunday afternoon as I was returning home from Asbury University where I'd dropped my daughter for another week of school. I called home to check on the boys, and they told me about a huge rat/mouse the cats were playing with on the porch. Lovely!! (not) "I'll check on it when I get home!!"
So an hour later, I'm looking at this thing Lucky cat has under the paws....
And it's moving.
And it's got a tail like a rat/mouse...but the head is not right...
It's a KITTEN!!!!
Lucky is not, as we'd assumed -- as we'd been TOLD by my brother who brought him to me after rescuing him (um, HER!) from the motor of a car -- a MALE cat! He's a SHE!! Lucky had ridden into town inside the whirring motor of a car and survived to tell the tale, thus the name and my brother's subsequent rescue and arrangment of our adopting him (HER!). We'd have never taken a female (for obvious reasons).
But the kitten....Sigh. Sweetest thing. EVER! It's little eyes aren't open yet, and Lucky cat is the sweetest mama cat ever. What's a chicken-owning, quilting, homeschooling mama like me gonna do!? Fix her, of course. Ironic, really, that he's a she I was lamenting a few days ago about the identity crisis of my chicken. Apparently there are LOTS of secrets on this erswhile homestead of mine.
See what happens when your husband goes to Afghanistan!!?!
And the bees swarmed. They COULDN"T wait until he is home in a couple of weeks. NOOOOOO! They do it now.
Kittens. (Well, blessedly, only 1 kitten!) Fine. I can handle that.
Swarming bees!?! NO. I worried about killing Jeff's bees through neglect, and the dern things have prospered and multiplied until there's enough for two hives!! The chickens, which I actually kinda liked, are knocked off one by one by varmints or pestilence or neighbor's villainous dogs, and the bees which freak me totally out are taking over the place!!
Where's the justice!?! Where's the fairness of it all!?!
In Afghanistan, apparently. As usual, my beloved if annoying husband gets the last laugh! :-D
Oh well. I'll tell him my stash has reproduced in proportion to the bees.
Those piles of fabric on the tables and chairs are SWARM.
Hehehehe. Maybe there is some justice in the world after all!! LOL
He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (NASB)
Did I mention my husband hates cats!?! God is good. All the time!! :-D

P.S. Don't forget to qualify for the Traveling Stash drawing!!! You'll find the post here!
Oh I'm with you on this one, kittens I can cope with.. swarm of bees is a no no for me, hope it won't be too long before hubby is home. Linda
Cute little kitty! I hope you get the last laugh on those bees! YIKES!
we rescued a cat with two kittens last fall and then she surprised me with a new kitten this week - I didn't even realized she had gotten in the family way once again - she had been such a fat cat all winter I didn't even notice that this spring she must have gotten fatter! She is still fat - most of the time after a cat has kittens they kind of look saggy but not this one - and lucky she only had one more - I'm not sure what all we are going to do with all these cats now.
My grandfather kept bees (fantastic honey, btw) and I watched him many times dealing with swarming bees. Can still see him in his netted hat, gloves, and the smoke-can...
I'm not afraid of bees but I do respect them... *lol*
As for Miss Kitten... she is darling and I'm so glad she has found a safe home with a good mama cat to rear her!
Sweet kitty!
This is a funny post, Mary Lou! His bees swarmed, your fabric swarmed!
Are you sure there is only 1 kitten, did she maybe have them outside someplace? She might be trying to bring them to you one at a time. Might want to let her outside, to roam and see if she has anymore little adorable bundles of fur.
The bees give me the hee-bee-jee-bees!!!!
I must say it is so fun to read your post and see humor in it all!
Isn't that the way it goes when our soldier is away! If anything was going to happen, go wrong, need fixing, it was when my husband was gone. At least you are keeping your sense of humor about it, you just have to laugh through it all!
(also military wife, quilter, and now former homeschooling mom!)
Oh my! First I went awwwww, then I went ewwwwww. The kitten is adorable. But the bees? I absolutely hate bees. I wouldn't even be going out of the house if I knew there was a swarm around, let alone two!
Mary Lou, your sense of humor is so funny. It sounds like there is never a dull moment at your homestead. But behind it all, I know your strength is in the Lord. Thank you again for letting your husband do what he does for us all.
You crack me up, Mary Lou! The kitten is adorable - and maybe you can convince her she's a chicken so she'll leave the chickens alone. Have you thought about calling your local ag center for help with the bees?
To funny! All I can think of right now is about a "man diaper"! lol
What a fun post to read! Just'll have lots of honey soon!
Love your applique project!
The same thing happened to my sister's cat Rebel Dan, who's name got changed to Rebel Danielle. Be thankful you only have one kitten. BTW, boy cats can be fixed too :0)
What the heck do you do to get all those bees to swarm into another box?
sweet kitten!
We had bees at the farm for a few years in Illinois, it was fascinating!
Love your applique block
I think the kitty is lucky to be alive after being tossed about on the porch!
The kitty story made me laugh, the bees, they are freaking me out! Why don't they live it that box, it looks nice to me. Good luck with that!
ok how in the world do you keep it all together?????
you are a SAINT!
love that applique block and the kittie is adorable
a name yet?
Boy it is Lucky that you gave the cat a neutral name - male or female - Lucky.
Love the new take on a stash - it swarmed -
So did you call the bee friend to "move" the swarm?
Does the kitten have a name....
Enjoy the day...
Hi! Awww the kitten is so tiny and cute... I am with May for Me and just signed up as a new follower of your awesome blog. Hope you follow back - I am adding your blog link on my blog...
Mary Lou you are amazing! Love the kitten story...but the bees, YIKES! Love that your fabric has swarmed...Happy Easter to you!
Bees are not treasured here - allergies - we had a professional come in and remove! Well, Lucky deserves to be a mamma - what providence. You should return the favor of your brother and give him the kitten. Blessed Easter.
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