Yeah! That's about right!! LOL
Finally! Finally got my Hands 2 Help Challenge Quilt top completed!! I've struggled with this one!!
Diane sent me some beautiful bright fabrics along with a soothing gray. (Her blog -- click here -- is just beautiful, too!) I added fabrics from my stash and this is the finished flimsey:
The quilt has to be in the mail no later than the end of this week, so I'll be putting it on the Hobby Quilter tomorrow to finish it up and get it mailed on time.
I need to work on Farmer's Wife blocks this week, complete a block for a friend (due on Saturday), get my club's Mystery Quilt installment written...
Lots to do!
My church is reading the Gospel of John together during the next 21 days -- one chapter a day. Today was the first day and first chapter. It tickled me to read that a couple of John the Baptist's desciples followed Jesus about the "tenth hour." :-) (Wonder if they were working on quilts for orphans?! :-D)
Even more impressive, though, is Andrew's response to Jesus:
The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus. (John 1:41-42a)It's never too late -- 10th hour or no! -- to know Jesus. It's never to late to tell someone else and bring them to Him!!

Nice, bright, fun quilts!
That is so nice. Love the bright color. The extra friendship quilt speaks highly of you. Well done~!
You weren't the only one struggling to finish. Mine is going out in the mail tomorrow. Finally!
You stay busier than anyone I know, thanks for the show and tell as well as the reminder about the "10th hour"!
Mary Lou, your top is beautiful - so detailed! I love the little hourglass blocks around the pinwheels! And how kind of your friend to send a quilt, too!! Woohoo!!
This beautiful bright quilt will put a huge smile on a child's face. You done good :0)
Very nice quilt top!
Love the aqua, gray, and scrappy fabrics. beautiful quilt, lucky child!
I wonder how many Christians spend 50, 60, 70 years of being saved and never bring another soul into the Kingdom. Sad commentary, isn't it? Love your quilts and your enthusiasm. It's contagious!
Just voted for your log cabin quilt!
Love your flimsy! And thanks for the nudge from the Scriptures....we all need to be reminded, I think, that we have received an awesome gift, and we should tell others, too!
Jacque at Lilypadquilting
Love what you did with the H2H quilts. Both quilts are awesome!
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