My first finish of 2011....
Well, actually finishes! Two of them!!
In spite of that cock-eyed, hair-crossways, dog-legged, turned bass-ackwards block in the corner of my orderly rows of log cabins and fans quilt top....(see here, and Lord, give me patience!! :-D), I got 'er straightened out, slapped two borders on her and and called 'er done!!
I'm hoping to ship 'er off to Mary at Quilt Hollow who does such beautiful breathtaking work, and since making her acquaintance, I can hardly wait to turn her loose on one of my humble pieces! (You should see her quilts in Scrap Basket Sensations by Kim Brackett! WOW! isn't even close!)
AND... hehehe! Another finish...this one even more satisfying since it's an actual finish, not just a top, but a whole quilt, binding and all!
"A Bushel of Baskets" -- a pattern from 1988 (is that a hoot, or what!?!)...My friend Paula taught a hand-piecing class using this pattern 'bout four years ago (can it have been that long!?!), and I got about 3 blocks in and started rotary cutting and machine piecing! I don't have the patience for hand piecing.
Sad. And weird! 'cause I LOVE hand quilting.
But I couldn't seem to get the knack for it, and the machine work suited me beautifully.
I did some English Paper Piecing by hand -- little half-inch hexagons (all those hexie-flowers you see in blogland? -- uh-huh, they are fun!), and it was so cool that I started a EPP tumbling blocks (yes, a UFO, thank you very much for reminding me, but I knew it would be a long-term project! :-P). It was a fun block to do.
That's the thing about a quilt, isn't it? It's a finished quilt, for sure, when the last stitch goes into the binding. But it's not really finished until someone loves it.
I've been thinking alot about finished things today. "It is finished!" -- those are some good words!!
The writer in Hebrews tells us "Unlike other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself." (Hebrews 7:27, emphasis mine)
But like a quilted and bound coverlet, complete and doesn't become finished for me until I roll up in it and feel the love. Until I appropriate its comfort and purpose in my life.
Isn't it just the same with Jesus!? His work for our redemption is done. But we must appropriate Him -- for His comfort and love and purpose in our lives! -- before what He has done means anything to us or those around us. Have you called Him your own, yet? Have you appropriated all He has to offer?
Just like a well-worn and -loved quilt, He will cover you with His love. And when you are well and truly "finished" -- He will welcome you home.
"It is finished!" Good words, indeed!

I absolutely LOVE your log cabin and fans quilt. I can't wait to see what Mary does with it too.
Your LC quilt is wonderful. I have never seen one set this way and I love all those cream strips. You did a beautiful job!
Love the basket sampler, very nice collection of blocks. I really like the tiny basket on the top row. I've made those little guys and they are fun and challenging.
have a great weekend and congrats on your finishes!
Your quilt is BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait to see it quilted! And your basket quilt is're right it's not a quilt until it's loved and given comfort.
Super fantastic finishes!! WTG Girl Friend!! Thank goodness there are many ways to quilt, I couldn't stand sewing by machine and I HATE english paper piecing hexagons LOL. I look forward to seeing what Mary will do with the logs and fans :0)
The quilt turned out beautifully...I love it!
Your basket quilt is great... congratulations on another finish!
Your Log Cabin quilt is just stunning. What a lovely accomplishment. Had to giggle over you switching to the machine for the baskets. I feel the same way.
Yay for you! two finishes!
Both of your quilts are beautiful and amazing! Can't say which I like better!
Both quilts are wonderful!! I bet Mary will do a lovely quilting job on the log cabin.
That is one stunning quilt. Love the basket one too. Keep up the great work!
How tiny are those little baskets on the corner post of Bushel Baskets? WOW!!!!
Your quilts are all have the best fabric stash!!!
Congratulations on your two finishes! I love log cabin quilts and yours is beautiful!
Yippee! Let's hear it for finishes!! I just love that fan/log cabin one (and I love the expression bass ackwards!! hoot-hoot!)!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
That's such a beautiful quilt, Mary Lou! It will be wonderful to snuggle up under...
E-mail me - I've got a question for you!
Mary Lou these are just GORGEOUS!! I love log cabin quilts and I now need to have that book (I like your layout better, by the way)
And the baskets are wonderful too - great work! :)
I absolutely love your finished quilt, congrats by the way, well you can always just ship it to me I promise to love and treasure it forever!
have a wonderful weekend
I love reading your posts. I always feel like I've been wrapped in a quilt of His love. blessings, marlene
Keep up the good work, you are inspiring me to finish some of my
What a gorgeous quilt! What book is this from?
Mary Lou! We have both finished our Log Cabin quilts...woohoo!!! Both of your quilts are so nice!
Both quilts are beautiful. I'm enjoying your blog. I found you through Sarah Craig. I've made a few extra friends through this wonderful lady. I am now following you and look forward to getting to know you. Hugs from Texas!
The quilts are beautiful but the analogy of the Word and a quilt is even more beautiful. The thought that Jesus died for us was a wondeful display of his love but Just like a quilt, we do not fully experience the beauty of his love until we call him our own. That is when he wraps himself around us and daily fills us up with his love. Yes, I have called him my own and he has wrapped his love around me so many times just when I needed it. Blessings!
I too think both quilts are beautiful and they make me want to go to my sewing room and get to work. But more than the quilts, the reminder that Jesus' love for us is available and ready just for the asking and accepting. Thanks for the reminder. Blessings to you as well.
Love your Log Cabin quilt ... what size is it?
And 2 more finishes .... way to go!
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