I've been thinkin' about the Darlin's -- you know? from Andy Griffith!? and seems like everytime I turn around someone's mentioned them and we roll in the floor laughing 'bout them and Earnest T. Bass. Classic stuff!!
I know why I've been thinking about the Darlin's.
It's that line that Charlene says.
"How 'bout playin' 'Never Hit Your Granma with a Great Big Stick!'" says one of the brothers. "Aw, no, Dub...That'n makes me cry!"
I got a heart block in the mail from Crispy on Friday. And to quote dear old Charlene,
Is it perfect or what!? Chris said she knew instantly what she wanted to do for the block -- and it is exactly what my heart feels!! I can't wait to put it with the other beautiful blocks -- 26 of them so far!!! -- and marvel at how God can use quilt blocks to so effectively minister and bless our family. How can I possibly repay any of you for the love you've shown me in the wake of Sam's death!?
All I know to do is pray MAJOR blessings on you all -- As Jesus said, "give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you." (Luke 6:38 ESV) Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over... Yeah! That's what I want for you!!
It's been a good week. We had our Farmer's Wife class...I'm up to 71 of the 111 blocks!! Whoohoo!!
My flowers are blooming.... (boy, does that make me wanna applique!! Weird, huh!? :-D)
I'm making progress on the t-shirt quilts I'm making for someone, and I've gotten started on the Tina Givens fat quarters quilt...(and this old Civil War/Thimbleberries gal is LOVIN' the colors!!!)
And for those who enjoy the Darlin's....

I know why I've been thinking about the Darlin's.
It's that line that Charlene says.
"How 'bout playin' 'Never Hit Your Granma with a Great Big Stick!'" says one of the brothers. "Aw, no, Dub...That'n makes me cry!"
I got a heart block in the mail from Crispy on Friday. And to quote dear old Charlene,
"That'n makes me cry!"
Is it perfect or what!? Chris said she knew instantly what she wanted to do for the block -- and it is exactly what my heart feels!! I can't wait to put it with the other beautiful blocks -- 26 of them so far!!! -- and marvel at how God can use quilt blocks to so effectively minister and bless our family. How can I possibly repay any of you for the love you've shown me in the wake of Sam's death!?
All I know to do is pray MAJOR blessings on you all -- As Jesus said, "give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you." (Luke 6:38 ESV) Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over... Yeah! That's what I want for you!!
It's been a good week. We had our Farmer's Wife class...I'm up to 71 of the 111 blocks!! Whoohoo!!
My flowers are blooming.... (boy, does that make me wanna applique!! Weird, huh!? :-D)
I'm making progress on the t-shirt quilts I'm making for someone, and I've gotten started on the Tina Givens fat quarters quilt...(and this old Civil War/Thimbleberries gal is LOVIN' the colors!!!)
And for those who enjoy the Darlin's....

How cute! Gilligan was in it, and Barney can dance. Glad you are getting comfort from the blocks that are being sent to you.
That is a very special heart block. It is evident by the blocks you have received that you are much loved and cared about.
oh, my... i really have no idea what this post is about - I used to watch the Andy Griffith show, but obviously the Darlin's weren't of interest to me! lol.
Repay???? hun, you know, don't you, that the gift is to the giver... it was our joy to send them. I hope they give you a hug any time you need one. Speaking of - someone on their blog spoke about a quilt in their family that was the "I don't feel good quilt" - when anyone wrapped up in it, others gave them special kindness. Perhaps this heart quilt can become that - a place where anyone in your family can go for a little hug whenever they need it. Take your time, sweetie.. and get lots of rest.
You know how I love Andy...Ernest T, well as Barney would say, "he's a nut Andy, a nut". Love the new quilt block. I would say that is my fav. It is going to be beautiful! Blessings!
LOL! Love the Darlins and Ernest T Bass! Have to play the video for my 4 yr old.
I'm sorry that I missed farmer's Wife...I gotta get sewing!
I am an Andy Griffith fan from way back. My kids were raised watching that show on video tape--I would record the episodes while they were at school and they would watch while they had their snack when they got home before chore and homework time. I have the first 5 seasons on DVD and often slip one in to keep me company when I sew. Many a song with a crazy name makes Charlene cry, but I can understand why that new block brought you to tears.
I saw a completed Farmer's Wife quilt in a shop over the weekend and now I know what all the fuss is about. That is a great quilt.
Your Farmer's Wife is looking really good but I'm really lovin' the "Tina" quilt, now that is my kind of colors LOL.
I'm so very happy that you like the block I sent you. Your response to it....well That'n made me cry too :0)
Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Mary Lou! I had forgotten about the Darlin's.... Your Farmer's Wife quilt looks awesome so far - I'm trying to avoid the temptation but caught myself sketching the designs for some of the blocks last night - must resist, must resist...... And your "Tina" quilt is looking great - isn't that a wonderful pattern?
The blocks that have been sent to you are lovely and such a nice way to share in the memory of your son , I am so sorry for your loss .
You are loved and prayed for!!
Hey - your Tina Givens quilt is like your flowers indoors! (loved seeing the photos right next to each other like that) You are jamming on your Farmer's Wife! Looks amazing.
Your comment, "...all I know how to do is pray..." prayer is the BEST thing we can do for anyone. Praying for someone shows our sincere love and concern. You keep praying, Mary Lou! And we are praying for you! XO
My husband loves Andy Griffith. Well, I do too but I am not much into TV. But, I'll watch when he's visiting Mayberry!
That is a wonderful block!
I not sure I knew you were making the Farmer's Wife blocks...they look great so far! I just posted the first of my blocks too! Hugs!!
I came across your blog from My Mountain Blessings where your son, Sam was mentioned. I had to scroll down your blog to read about this amazing young man. My heart goes out to you. My beloved daughter, Amy, went home to the Lord when she was 21. It was 1998 and she will always be missed. Feel free to visit my blog. I will visit yours again.
Mary Lou,
I was reading over at Sam's Blog. How neat for you to put that link on the sidebar. I was so touched by his spiritual journey and how he expressed it.
But for the grace of God we would all walk the path you are walking right now. I, for one, fear it with two teenage boys and a daughter with anorexia. I thank you for sharing your journey and for keeping Sam's blog available so people are able get to know him.
What a special young man!
Becky K.
Hospitality Lane
Friend of Tracy
Oh, the Darlin's...my faves!
This is my fave
Love seeing the blocks & their power to minister to you.
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