The view out my window is encouraging, though!
I think I go through seasons as a quilter, too.
I'm not quite sure how to characterize the seasons, though. They are erratic and unpredictable, and I may go through all four seasons in a day (not unlike the weather in Kentucky! LOL), but each is distinct in its activities and attitudes!
There are the -- what? -- days of "spring" when everything is fresh and new! New projects started, ideas popping like leaf buds on trees. It's exhilarating and sweet and promising.
Then there are the lazy days of "summer" when I'm content to riffle through books and magazines and dream of projects to do someday, or pull fabric from the stash, fondle it and mark it for later.
Winter, I suspect, is when I hunker down and hibernate, quilting by hand or stitching down the binding on a finished quilt. I enjoy my "winters" even more knowing that spring is right around the corner with its promise of something new.
I've heard it told that during his first inauguration, on a snowy day like today, George Washington placed his hand on the Bible open to Deuteronomy 28 in which God describes the blessings He will give His people if they will obey Him. "If you fully obey the LORD your God," Moses tells the people in verses 1 and 2, "and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God..."
And among those promised blessings is verse 12: "The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless the work of your hands."
An apropos Word for a man about to take the reigns of a nation, don't you think?
And appropriate for me, too, in my "seasons" as a quilter, homeschooling mom, wife, citizen, friend. The work of my hands will be blessed when I obey Him. Could any promise be more precious to a quilter?

What a beautiful post Mary Lou! Thank you for starting my day for me!
We only had flurries here and not enough for a dusting but I can't wait until we do see more snow. It's the first year I'm looking forward to it in a long time and I think it's because I'm in the country this year. I can't wait to see what it looks like since summer and fall have given me such beautiful views.
I love the blocks, it's coming along beautifully!
I'm a seasonal quilter too though seasons can be rather blurred in North Dakota. Fall/Winter is for finishing thing and lots of lovely hand quilting and Spring/Summer is for piecing and starting something (or two or three somethings) new. Whatever the season, quilting is part of my everyday life :0)
Great post, Mary Lou! And I know what you mean about the seasons - here in Nashville, we say if you don't like the weather, stick around for a few minutes!
well said! I do believe just as the seasons change so do we. I also think God has certain seasons of change in our lives and service to Him!
Lovely thoughts, thank you for sharing them!
Such a wonderful posting today!
I sure wish we had four seasons here. Ours goes from sort of winter to don't blink there went spring to the never ending summer heat to don't look now but there was fall and back into sort of cold - lol!
What a gorgeous quilt! Yes, I so totally agree...aren't we blessed beyond measure each day?? Hugs!
great post.
I think that is why I don't like AZ where I live. Up north they get some seasonal weather. But here in Mesa, nothing.
It's hot from April to End of October.
Now it's nice~fall like. 70's during the day. We do freeze at night, but no snow really ever. we have a light dusting in the deserts sometimes.
nothing to call snow. I miss the leaves changing.
Fantastic post! You always have such wonderful post anyway! Your Scrap Basket Surprises quilt is YUMMY!!!
Don't you just love living in the beautiful Bluegrass! My daughter and I had this very same discussion yesterday about the seasons. She said she could not imagine living in a place where she could not experience the different seasons. As always, I love how you tie in "life stuff" with quilting and a Bible lesson! God bless!
Good morning -
We haven't had snow yet, but I'm looking forward to it. It is always renewing to me somehow.
Love reading your posts in the morning, always feel uplifted by them.
Your blocks look so great all side by side -
Love the GW quote, I have a think about George, and Abe....
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