I've been taking a few minutes each evening to work on the binding of this quilt:
I got it in the mail earlier this week from Mary at Quilt Hollow. She actually won the quilt top from Kelly at Cottage Charm Quilt's blog, Charming Chatter!
Mary quilted it with her fabulous quilting (she always uses the most beautiful thread, too!) and sent it along to me with the binding attached, but not finished. Her note said that she hoped I would sit on my porch and think beautiful thoughts of Sam while doing the hand work. And that's exactly what I've been doing, a little each evening.
Quilts are always comfort -- but this one will hold a special place in my heart, as you might imagine!! I'm gonna have a whole collection of "Sam" quilts between those made with his clothing, my heart blocks, the blue fat quarters my club gave me in his memory, and this beautiful piece. It's just so very humbling to be the recipient of such generosity!!
Another wonderful mailbox blessing was the 41 yards (!!!!!) that I won from Vicky at LAQuilter. Beautiful florals and pastels -- colors that I don't have any of in my stash.
You may have seen my stash or photos of it here or at Stash Manicure when I've guested over there. I don't need fabric, but I do love fabric! :-D And I've recently been stretching my color palette beyond the repros and Thimbleberries into lights and brights -- and I honestly don't have a clue how to use them! LOL I'm starting out simply, though.... We'll see how it goes.
Some friends of ours here in town asked us over to pick blueberries.
We had a rich, wonderful time with them and collected nearly 3 gallons of berries. I found out later that they are running $20/gallon from pick-your-own patches!! Such phenemenal generosity from Jeff and Vicky. After grazing over our buckets for a day, I still managed to freeze 10 quarts!!
Our Will had a fun time....
Even more so when he nabbed the camera for himself!
I told Mary that one humbling Biblical truth I keep encountering is that we always reap more than we sow.
Scripture tells us,
6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)
But what I have received in this past month since Sam died is way, way, way more than I deserve, way out of proportion to what I've ever done for anyone else.
The writer of Hebrews tells us, "Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)
Just when I need it, His grace is there, administered to me by your loving hands!!
Thank you so very much!
Thank You, Lord, so very much!!

I have seen what you express, manifest in my own family. With great loss, comes great faith and great appreciation for God's love. Continued blessings on you and your family.
You said that what you have received recently is way beyond what you have given. You have given though, and surely that's what matters, not that it's done to keep things equal, but because you want to?
This seems ramble-y but I hope you see what I mean?
I am so very sad and sorry to learn of the stunning and profound loss in your family. Know that I am praying that God strengthen, support and sustain you and your family through these difficult days with His great love. Sending you love and heartfelt hugs of sympathy.
You give so much to all of us who read your blog...you'll never know all the inspiration you share. Thank you.
I echo Carol's comments - you give so much through your blog - inspiration, thoroughly peppered with truth from God's word and your amazing faith!! The way people respond to that is not surprising!! You are constantly in my prayers.....
What a pretty quilt to stitch on. I do love turquoise and red together.
Isn't it wonderful being a quilter and having the perfect medium to convey hugs when we can't do it physically?
The blueberries look so yummy!! I wonder if they even grow here in ND. WOW congrats on that win too!! I'm sure you will work out a way to use them :0)
What a special quilt , so beautiful and I am sure it will bring you comfort .I so enjoyed reading this post , you are an inspiration . The blueberries look wonderful , I love blueberries!Blessings,Sheila
Beautiful, beautiful post Mary Lou!
Thank you for allowing God's Grace to carry you!
I had to smile when you said you didn't need more fabric but that you love fabric! I can relate!
very expensive berries!! my brother has a blueberry farm and he sells his pick you own for $8 and already picked for $12. I will tell him he might need to raise his prices!
What a great quilt and a wonderful post full of grace. You do not cease to amaze me Mary Lou.
I'm so glad that you are feeling loved in so many ways...you DO deserve it, if for no other reason than you are HIS.
I hope that I will carry the lesson you have taught me in my heart forever - that God's grace is manifested by what I do for others in His name. blessings, marlene
None of us get what we deserve for we all fall short,but God through his grace gives to us abundantly and sometimes through other caring people. There is a time to sow and a time to reap...you are in that reaping time. Enjoy the love others are showering you with. I know you have done the same for others in need. :-)
I love the quilt that Mary has gifted to you Mary Lou. Each time I come to read your blog I am amazed at your wonderful precious son and what a gift he has been to have touched so many. You can just see the joy in his heart. It breaks my heart to see such a beautiful soul leave this place where we seem to have a shortage of the kindness he shared. Bless you and your family and your wonderful friends like Mary.
I have been blessed by your blog today. AAAHHhhhh.......Grace!
Wow! What a beautiful quilt. Blueberrie...yummy! Looks as if you enjoyed picking as much as Eating. Jeff and Vicki W? Great folks! Thinking about you much lately. Praying for ou often. We love you guys! Blessings!
I have been reading your blog for some time now and am just so humbled and inspired by the way you have handled the loss of your lovely Son, Sam. Not once have you shown anything but love, grace and absolute faith in God, even though He has taken you through the valley of death. Your thankfulness makes me ever so grateful for my own lovely family and the many many blessings that are delivered to me daily. Thank you so much Mary-Lou for your words and sharing your inner most thoguths with us,
Kathy, Tasmania, AUST
Mary Lou...your giving heart comes through in every post you write. I've gleaned so much from your words...wisdom, encouragement, grace, love. It's awesome to see you receiving a small portion of what you give on a daily basis. :) God Bless!
I know you will enjoy and treasure the quilt from Mary. Her winning the quilt top was just meant to be as she knew exactly where it would end up if she won.
And how lucky that you won Vicky's 41 yards of fabric. That was quite some give-away.
Love that photo of will!
I am glad that you are being blessed right now.
Hugs to you.
Your reach is farther than you realize. A blog visit with you is like a hug.
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