Unexpected treasures have made their way into my world this week! Gifts too numerous to count, but I'm gonna list a few...
1) Newly discovered photos!! I found several pictures of Sam this week that I either didn't remember I had or that others had taken and shared with me. A couple that I particularly loved was one of Sam and Emily, his little BIG sister (she looks younger, but she's in college! :-D) and another of Sam at camp playing carpet ball. Priceless!!

No doubt about it, I have beautiful kids! :-D (Not a speck of bias in that statement of course! A photo of the "baby" is below, too! LOL)
Although we are not so much a picture-taking family, the photos we have are even more precious to us now, a treasure for sure!! We got to see lots of them at a tribute for Sam at Galilee Bible Camp in Lafollette, TN! Another precious treasure of memories made by and with Sam!
2) Knock-outs!! Roses, of course!
My incredible quilt club, the Mountain Laurel Quilters not only provided dinner for us all last week while we were cleaning Sam's room and going through his things. This week they delivered not one, not two, not even three....but TEN!! knock-out roses to us to plant in memory of Sam! They are beautiful and Jeff and Will put five of them in the ground today.

3) Front porch peace! :-)
Thanks to the Cumberland Homeschool Athletic Teams, the group with which Sam ran cross country and played basketball (and the coach's wife, Tracy, is one of my quilting friends and has a beautiful blog here!), we have a new glider/bench gracing our front porch! We've spent precious time there admiring our knock-out roses and....
4) The RAIN!! After 90+ degree-days, stuffy and humid, an intense and wonderful thunderstorm line went through, watering our new plantings and our garden. Awesome!!
And 5) Sweet Hearts!
More beautiful heart blocks have come in the mail -- a total of 22 so far! Now coming up on three weeks since Sam's passing, the "reality" of his absence hits us daily. But we cannot help but count our blessings, and appreciate the treasures God has given us!
Jesus said,“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21 NIV)
I've never been one that focused on Heaven; knowing Jesus is about more than a ticket out of Hell. Knowing Jesus is having a relationship with the Creator God of the universe. And He is my ultimate treasure.
But now, as loved ones -- my mom, dad, and son -- have gone ahead of me to the Presence of God, I find that those treasures, too, call me Home. Truly, where my treasure is, my heart is as well!
Won't you join us there someday!?

1) Newly discovered photos!! I found several pictures of Sam this week that I either didn't remember I had or that others had taken and shared with me. A couple that I particularly loved was one of Sam and Emily, his little BIG sister (she looks younger, but she's in college! :-D) and another of Sam at camp playing carpet ball. Priceless!!

No doubt about it, I have beautiful kids! :-D (Not a speck of bias in that statement of course! A photo of the "baby" is below, too! LOL)
Although we are not so much a picture-taking family, the photos we have are even more precious to us now, a treasure for sure!! We got to see lots of them at a tribute for Sam at Galilee Bible Camp in Lafollette, TN! Another precious treasure of memories made by and with Sam!
2) Knock-outs!! Roses, of course!
My incredible quilt club, the Mountain Laurel Quilters not only provided dinner for us all last week while we were cleaning Sam's room and going through his things. This week they delivered not one, not two, not even three....but TEN!! knock-out roses to us to plant in memory of Sam! They are beautiful and Jeff and Will put five of them in the ground today.
3) Front porch peace! :-)
Thanks to the Cumberland Homeschool Athletic Teams, the group with which Sam ran cross country and played basketball (and the coach's wife, Tracy, is one of my quilting friends and has a beautiful blog here!), we have a new glider/bench gracing our front porch! We've spent precious time there admiring our knock-out roses and....
And 5) Sweet Hearts!
Jesus said,“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21 NIV)
I've never been one that focused on Heaven; knowing Jesus is about more than a ticket out of Hell. Knowing Jesus is having a relationship with the Creator God of the universe. And He is my ultimate treasure.
But now, as loved ones -- my mom, dad, and son -- have gone ahead of me to the Presence of God, I find that those treasures, too, call me Home. Truly, where my treasure is, my heart is as well!
Won't you join us there someday!?

My mom passed away when I was 8. Dad married his secretary within a few months, and she is the one who led me to the Lord. That is a story in itself of the complete amazing way God works, but I went through my teen years fearing my mother was lost.
On my high school graduation day, a classmates mom came up to me and said, "Tonya, I don't know why I never told you this before, but your momma is in heaven I am sure. She had been coming to my home for a Bible study for several months before she died. I am almost sure she became a Christian."
Isn't it nice to know we will see our loved ones again someday?
It sounds like your family is healing. Day by day God's blessings will heal your broken hearts. Sam is indeed your treasure in Heaven. Bless you and your family. You are still in my prayers.
Your words reach out to me. I am currently working again on a tribute quilt for Stephen who passed away 2 years ago. The idea for it happened early in my grief but I find I can only work on it in little spurts because Stephen talks to me while I'm working. May God continue to bless you and give you strength and courage each day. Sam must have blessed so many people during his stay with us on this earth.
Mary Lou, God is so amazing. He is working through you in your grief to encourage others. We lost my brother when he was 17, so your reality strikes a chord with me. I also lost a very dear friend in December. At times like this we do realize that Heaven is our home and we are just passing through this earth. Praying for you and praising Him for working through you even in such a difficult time.
I am sure that the support of so many lovely people is helping you through this.
What wonderful tokens of love you have received!! I finally will have some time to myself and can get your block made up and mailed by Monday :0)
I would LOVE to make you a heart block, twin sister...can you email me your address?
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
I just sit here reading your blog and am so blessed. To see your heart in the midst of this difficult time...and your love for God...it's just amazing.
I'm so happy for all the many blessings you've received as well. The roses are beautiful and I love the porch swing! We continue to pray for you.
God bless!
my heart aches for you. I hope you and your family are getting by ok, it is a slow healing process I am sure, you will always have your memories and no one can take those away from you.
The roses are beautiful...so precious how you are being surrounded by support and love!
God bless you and your family. I came upon your blog recently and was so sorry to hear of the loss of your precious son.
I have seen pictures of your lovely home and pretty views, but how perfect the glider and roses. I have spent many a hour in my own glider enjoying God's creation, visiting with friends, stiching, spending quiet conversation with family members, and it is a favorite place to pray. Your posts have continued to be beautiful. May the peace that passes all understanding continue to bless you and your family MaryLou.
Yep, I'll be there!!
Although I dont "know" you personally I am deeply moved and touched by what you are going through and the public way you are sharing some of it. Peace be with you.
I'll be there...and I hope we're neighbors. :) blessings, marlene
Such a beautiful post! It is so wonderful to hear that the Lord has blessed you with so many wonderful memories of your son. Your invitation at the end for others to join you in heaven just blesses my soul! What a wonderful testimony! Wishing you and your family God's perfect peace during this time of sorrow.
Yes, I will be there!! Love the roses, and your wonderful heart and pictures of your darling son.
You are blessed!
While your son may have reached many through his life, he has continued to do so through your life. Your faith touches me every time I read your blog. Thank you for that! I am so glad the heart blocks are enjoyable to you and your family. I can't wait to see what you decide to do with them when the time is right.
It is so good to see your faith and amazing strength shining through.
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