Earlier in the year there was a lot of hubbub about choosing your word for the year. I thought and thought about it. But none of the words that occurred to me early in the year were right for me. Other people picked really good ones.
Shelley chose "KISS" (for Keep It Simple, Shelley!). No more complicating things. Good word!
My friend Paula chose "accept." To accept circumstances in life that we don't always understand. To accept generosity and grace....Another excellent word.
I think I've found my word. Finally.
NO -- finally isn't the word, silly!! My word is
I'm cutting down the spending. The stash I have is enough fabric to provide quilts down to the 5th generation. (Lord help me live long enough!! :-D) I'm trying to make everything from stash from now on. I'll probably still buy the occasional small piece of fabric (like I did today, Paula! :-D) -- but I'm not indulging in every "That's so pretty!" I feel at quilt shows, quilt shops, online haunts and ebay. Enough!!
With the help of so many of you, who inspire me to be creative and use what I have and LOVE it....I'm cutting into all those pieces I've been saving for "just the right project." THIS project -- whatever it is! -- is the right project. THIS project -- will have a place for that yardage or fat quarter or scrap that's waiting in closets or bins or shelves to be cut.
Jesus was all about cutting deadwood in your life. "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off...If your foot causes you to sin, cut it off..." (Mark 9: 43, 45). Better, He says, that you go through life maimed than let the deadwood drag you to hell. Strong words.
Good words.
His and my soapbox message to me! :-) (Thank you, Jesus!)
Is there anything you need to cut out this year?
Shelley chose "KISS" (for Keep It Simple, Shelley!). No more complicating things. Good word!
My friend Paula chose "accept." To accept circumstances in life that we don't always understand. To accept generosity and grace....Another excellent word.
I think I've found my word. Finally.
NO -- finally isn't the word, silly!! My word is
I'm cutting this year.
Cutting out things that suck the life outa me.
Like the politics of women. I don't mean national politics. I mean women-on-women crime. Nastiness. Competitiveness. "If you're friends with her you can't be friends with me." Or the insidious "Did you know...." about so-n-so (otherwise known as "gossip").
Do you get any of that with the women you know? CUT!!! I'm finding that if I walk away from conversations that cut down other women, I'm a whole lot less likely to get dragged into the politics of females, AND I never have to worry about what I've said! Help me, Lord, to cut out my eager ear and wagging tongue!!
Do you get any of that with the women you know? CUT!!! I'm finding that if I walk away from conversations that cut down other women, I'm a whole lot less likely to get dragged into the politics of females, AND I never have to worry about what I've said! Help me, Lord, to cut out my eager ear and wagging tongue!!
I'm cutting out the fat!!
Two kinds of fat, actually.
All the stuff I don't need to do. I don't need to volunteer for every worthy notion that comes along in my kids' activities or church or even quilt club! I don't need to say YES just because I CAN. Can and should are two very different things.
There are specific things I'm called to do....Be a wife, a mother, a homeschooler, a worship leader, and a quilter. (Well, of course, a quilter! DUH! :-P) Anything that doesn't fit into the mission statement of those things is open game for the blade.
I'm cutting the fat on my body! It's about time. Three months into the year, and I'm down nearly 20 lbs. It's slow going, but I'm determined. A dear friend of mine, a former pastor who has always been in excellent shape, suffered a heart attack a few nights ago. He will recover, but how much worse would he have fared if he hadn't been in pretty good shape to begin with? So -- I'm cutting the fat and the junk foods and trying to eat and exercise in a way that promotes health.
And finally, I'm cutting my fabric!!!
Jesus was all about cutting deadwood in your life. "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off...If your foot causes you to sin, cut it off..." (Mark 9: 43, 45). Better, He says, that you go through life maimed than let the deadwood drag you to hell. Strong words.
Good words.
His and my soapbox message to me! :-) (Thank you, Jesus!)
Is there anything you need to cut out this year?

Well Mary Lou, that was a blessing to read. I need to be praying, because YES, I am sure that I too need to CUT things out of my life. Thank you for taking the time to share this with us and for being a blessing to me.
Excellent post, Mary Lou!! I love your word, and how you plan to use it. I think mine would be TRUST - because with the quilt ministry, I am really learning to TRUST that we will be able to meet the needs even when it seems we don't have time, and to TRUST that the materials we need will be there when we need them, and even to TRUST that there will be enough hands to do the work! It's been a real learning experience - but very very cool!!
I've never picked a word before this year, but one came to me over and over again, and so, here I am, stuck with it. Freedom! Freedom to make time for myself, freedom to say no when things get to be too much( or beforehand!), freedom from legalism, freedom to love Jesus and then do what I like!
Good post!
That was great. What a great example you are to us. Thanks for being a friend.
Oh, you've picked a great word and have great plans to do the right thing with it. Keep us posted on your cutting progress!
Great post! I was thinking about the same idea just this morning. It's amazing how much time I waste on things that don't really matter. No wonder I have so many UFO's! ;)
WOW, that was a great post! I agree, cut all the negitives..
U r correct about using our stashes. I made 2 quilts recently (pics on my blog), and after finishing them I realized I'd used ALL stash fabs! Amazing! lol..
Bless u..
Hi, I need to cut out the junk food and the chocolate biscuits! I so want to lose some weight but it never comes off fast enough so I always give up....oh to be slim again.
What a wonderful post Mary Lou...such inspiration. Thank you so much...the perfect way for me to start my day. Much to think about.
I love your word and what you have done to reflect it. KUDOS on the 20lb loss, it's not easy but slow loss is better than fast loss. A person who says gossipy things to me always makes me wonder what they say behind my back. Those that do that I usually disolved the friendship....same thing with the cronic complainers. I prefer positive attitudes and smiles :0)
Check, check and double check on everything in your post. You are spot on! Congrats on the weight loss. I am struggling with that and it seems the hardest thing to "cut." I have been working on the other things as well. Shopping my stash is such a joyful surprise. I keep finding things I love and I sort of think whoever bought it or saved it was pretty clever...then I remember it was ME! And God knows I have plenty of projects STARTED. You remind us how important it is to quilt...and live...as people WE'D like to spend time with.
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
Great post. Thanks for sharing your word and thoughts, they certainly have a message for me. Good job on the 20 lbs!! I now feel the freedom to say no. Alexis
AMEN sister!!! We must be on the same wave length because my blog Monday was almost identical. Definitely have a problem with "can" and "should". I'll be using your "cut" to get rid of things currently present, and hopefully my "no" to prevent future craziness!!
Wonderful post, mary Lou! I give it an A - that's from the English teacher in me! :-)
And congratulations on the 20-pound weight loss! Wonderful! I hate to say that I think found it, though.
You are an inspiration!
Wonderful post! Your thoughts are many of my own but you stated them quite eloquently.
loved your post and all of your "cuts!"
i can especially identify with woman on woman crime.
Good luck with all your cutting goals :)
AMEN sister!Very well said!
That sounds like an awesome word and a great plan!
Congrats on the weight loss! I bet hubby was impressed ;)
Love your All About Me quilt. I recognize many of the fabrics in there! You are setting yours up, totally different, and I like it.
Are you going to put sashing between the blocks? Mine looks like a jumbled up mess, from a distance! But I didn't have room for a sashing. Too much stuff in mine! 116, to be exact! Congrats on the weight loss!
YOu and your post spoke to my heart...I try to do all those things!! Hope you are doing fantastic this morning!!
I'm making a real effort to cut back on my activities too. It's hard to say no sometimes but if I don't I run out of steam now that I've gotten a little older. I love walking so that helps me keep the weight down to a manageable level though losing another 20 lbs would be great! blessings, marlene
This is a great post and so many truths we can all apply in some way to our lives! Thank so much for sharing!
I sew hear you my sweet/.CUT is a perfect word...wish I thought of that..and I am sew with you on all acct.ok, maybe not the lose wt part..I am already shrinking enough....but count me in for the rest...blessings always..
Very well said! Thanks for the post. ...and congratulations on your weight loss.
Wonderful words of wisdom -- great post. Mind if I follow along in your footsteps with a couple of your goals? I'm fat and I have too much fabric. Enough said!
Here's to whatever we may need re: guidance and confidence and will power. :)
What an inspiring post! Just what I needed to hear. Isn't it amazing how He lines things up for us just when we need them most? Let's keep pruning, then, until everything that's left grows toward Him!
Great post! I love the way you plan to implement that word this year. I have found that lately I have been involved in way too many things. Congrats on your weight loss!!!!!
Cut. Seems like it should be a negative word but you've made it quite positive and positively inspiring. Great points, all of them. I think I'd like to work on those things myself.
I would say that is the incentive word I have seen so far. There is a lot of cutting I need to do. Thanks for sharing a great post.
I am all about the NO 'woman politics' thing too! Can't stand it! I think more like a man and I am glad for it!
Love the all about me quilt...I NEED that twilight block. ;)
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