I've declared EVERY year since I started quilting to be the "Year of the Finish!" -- aspiring to complete things, perhaps even that quilt masterpiece we all dream of doing.
Because of Judy's UFO Challenge, I've actually make a plan and I'm following through, and there are some lovely things happening!
My UFO (#1) for this month was Stars Around the Garden, a Bits 'n Pieces Block of the Month that I ended up "tweaking" a little. It's now finished (well, the top, anyway! :-P) and ready for quilting! Yippee!
I (duh) forgot to set aside binding fabric, so I found some of the blue-with-dots "Circle of Love" Thimbleberries line on ebay, and when it arrives, this baby will be DONE!
I'm still in the simple meandering stage of my learning curve with the mid-arm....but it's definitely progress!
Because of Judy's UFO Challenge, I've actually make a plan and I'm following through, and there are some lovely things happening!
My UFO (#1) for this month was Stars Around the Garden, a Bits 'n Pieces Block of the Month that I ended up "tweaking" a little. It's now finished (well, the top, anyway! :-P) and ready for quilting! Yippee!
It seems success breeds success... might this actually be a finish year!?! :-D Just maybe!!!!
I finished quilting -- on my little Nolting Hobby Quilter, no less! -- my Thimbleberries Take 5 quilt. It was on my 2nd UFO list (the list of quilting/binding finishes I hoped to accomplish) for the month of January!! One more finish!!
The Pièce de Résistance (probably for the whole year and beyond!), though, has to be my Log Cabins and Fans...
This UFO quilt top that I completed in January has been phenomenally quilted by Mary at Quilt Hollow.
I'm just totally in awe. Who knew!?!? I just don't think of my quilts being anything beyond ordinary, but what Mary has done with my Log Cabins and fans:
And then to see what looks to be a masterpiece (thank you, Mary!)....
There's a verse in Proverbs that echos what I feel about these finishes, the Log Cabin in particular:
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life." (Proverbs 13:12 NKJV) Verse 19 goes on to say, "A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but fools detest turning from evil."
Longing fulfilled.
A tree of life.
Sweet to the Soul.
Oh, my yes!!
I saw the finished photos of the Log Cabins and Fans earlier in the evening on Mary's blog and was awestruck. It's gorgeous! Can't wait to see it in person!
Brilliant Log Cabin Eye Candy!
Your piecing + Marys quilting = Masterpiece !! :))
Darn it, I was going to send her my address so she could send it to me instead and tell you it got lost in the post, but I'm too late. I loved your top when you showed it, and I loved Mary's quilting on it. It's a real showstopper.
Oh, you lucky girl! That log cabin is simply amazing! You definitely did the right thing sending it out for quilting - your beautiful piecing and her artwork of quilting are just the right combination!
That Log Cabin and Fans quilt is stunning!
I love your log cabin and fans quilt. Beautiful arrangement and the quilting looks great too.
I too am trying to finish some things again this year and not start too many new things.
Your Stars Around the Garden is beautiful! And your Thimbleberries Take 5 quilt is wonderful. But your Log Cabin and Fans is stunning. The quilting is the perfect accent for your wonderful piecing.
I had a peek at your lovely finish on Mary's site...it is so GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! You need to enter that baby in some SHOWS!!! Do this not only in hopes of ribbons, but to share this with others (but hopes of ribbons is OK too!!). You are very inspiring with all your fab finishes!!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
WOW! The quilting on the last is awesome! It is beautiful. Enjoy that one! Blessings! I am thinking.......I wish I had time and knowledge to do these things. To much work to do here and start to work on Monday and taking care of good ole Poppy. Blessings!
Beautiful!!! The piecing and quilting on the Log Cabin quilt is just stunning!!
That is breathtaking!
OMGosh!! Mary did a fabulous job on your quilt!! I'm with Teresa, you need to enter this beauty in some shows!!
Congrats on the other finishes too :0)
oh my that quilt is just beautiful, the quilting just brings it to life!
Wow what a treasure this quilt will always be.
The color choices is just wonderful, great job piecing the quilt too!
Great job on all the finishes! The log cabin is amazing! Mary does great work.
Nice job finishing so many things! I've only finished 3 so far this year, but it feels so great. I love the quilt - especially the log cabin. It's the design that got me interested in quilting!
Mary Lou I love what you did with Stars around the Garden...and your Log Cabin quilt is absolutely gorgeous! What a treasure.
I loved your opening statement about the year to finish. This is supposed to be my year and it's really really hard!!
I love the LG and fans. The quilting is simply stunning! I can see why you are awe.
Congrats on getting your finishes - done!! I love that log cabin! The curves totally make that quilt- well and the quilitng!! Great job!
Your Log Cabin is absolutely wonderful!!!! I loved it before when it was a top .... but now, oh my ....
You are steaming ahead now with 2 more finishes ... yay you!
I echo what Kat said!
In my dreams I want to be able to quilt like that!
Wow! The log cabin and fans is just "wow"!
Love your Eventide finish over at Thelma's! I cannot see the turned block at all! Well, gotta go sew and try to finish mine up. ha!
Wow..the log cabin is STUNNING!!!! Great job BOTH of you!!! I also love the first top you showed..that is right up my alley!!
Hi There! I am a first time visitor to your blog and after wandering for a delightful half hour through some of your older posts and reading your profile I just had to tell you what I told Mary...Your log cabin quilt is exquisite, everything about it. I was also tickled to see that you enjoy all the same author I do and the Bible is listed as your favorite book. Most exciting for me was to know that I had found a 'Sister in Christ'. I will most certainly be regular visitor. Blessings...
I have enjoyed, quite a few times, viewing the photos of your "log cabins and fans" masterpiece. It is beautiful! Also love the "Stars around the Garden." Remarkable work, Mary Lou!
Absolute MASTERPIECE! One of the most beautiful quilts I think I have ever seen! Marvelous, congrats to you both! Most awesome.
Mary does some amazing work! I am always blown away by her talent. Your quilt is gorgeous!
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