The staff and volunteers here pour themselves into the campers week after week during the summer. They are dear friends, and they have been a wonderful influence on our family. We are blessed to be a part of the ministry here.
One of the missionaries, Rebecca, gave me a couple of heart blocks for Sam's Darling Hearts quilt. She is catching the quilting bug (YES!! :-D), and rightly so with Selma Jean and I helping her catch it!!
I brought projects to work on while at camp. It's a nice quiet time for me, and I have some deadlines approaching....the Hands-2-Help quilt for Romania, for one! I've got the blocks laid out and ready to be put together. The deadline is the end of the month....so yeah! Onward!! LOL
I also have another project that is short on time (aren't they all! LOL)! This one, I can't reveal just yet, but here is a hint....
I have the rest of that quilt in my head...and it's gotta get outa there and onto fabric in the next couple of weeks....Let's hope I can make that transition from vision to concrete reality! LOL
Between the heat and my working on projects, I'm ready for sleep tonight. I'm resting on a beautiful pillowcase made by my friend, Lil. She makes dozens of pillowcases to share with friends, family and people in need. She knows my colors (red, green and gold!!), and I love that she included a label on the inside, too.

It's an oasis here, a home away from home. Maybe because I take "home" with me! :-D My sewing machine! My pillow and my quilts. My Pepsi! :-D (and a bit of zucchini bread). My family. My friends. My memories.
And the God of all Comfort and Peace:
Between the heat and my working on projects, I'm ready for sleep tonight. I'm resting on a beautiful pillowcase made by my friend, Lil. She makes dozens of pillowcases to share with friends, family and people in need. She knows my colors (red, green and gold!!), and I love that she included a label on the inside, too.
It's an oasis here, a home away from home. Maybe because I take "home" with me! :-D My sewing machine! My pillow and my quilts. My Pepsi! :-D (and a bit of zucchini bread). My family. My friends. My memories.
And the God of all Comfort and Peace:
Psalm 139:7-10
7Where could I go from Your Spirit? Or where could I flee from Your presence?
8If I ascend up into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol (the place of the dead), behold, You are there.
9If I take the wings of the morning or dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10Even there shall Your hand lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.
8If I ascend up into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol (the place of the dead), behold, You are there.
9If I take the wings of the morning or dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10Even there shall Your hand lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.
There's no place like Home!

You are not too far from me these days. I am only about 45 miles from LaFollette in Cumberland Gap. I am glad to hear you are relaxing. It also pleases me to see I am not the only one who is a little behind on the H2H quilt LOL
I am sure you are a great worship leader. I hope young hearts are opened this summer at camp. I am intrigued about the two pieces for the quilt you are not showing. Have a blessed week.
Beautiful blocks and ornaments! I love them! Quilters can be such kind people!
Hope this can be a healing time for you. You are in good hands--God's.
Do I see North Carolina and Virginia in those two "hints"??? or am I imagining things?
Enjoy the quiet time, and nurture yourself.
I think I see where you are headed with your new project and can't wait to see more of it! Keep doing the next right thing on your temple maintenance. Don't give up! I hope you have a blessed and refreshing week!
It's wonderful that you have this time to relax and enjoy your memories. Wonderful gifts you have received too :0)
Crispy - who really hates sneak peeks LOL.
I saw states too! :-) What a fun quilt that will be! Enjoy your camp time and the peaceful moments for yourself. {{hugs}}
Enjoy your time up there, Mary Lou! It's a beautiful part of Tennessee. Sorry I'm not close enough to jump over and meet you in person, but it's a bit of a jaunt from Nashville to there. Someday, though.... Hugs and prayers, girl!!
My boys and I used to go to Hume Lake Christian Camps in Kings Canyon National Park in CA every summer. They would attend overnightcamp and I would rent a cabin with other moms. The camp held an adult seminar each week so we'd have "bible camp" also. Great fun. Great memories. It was after one of these camps that my son, Stephen (who passed away) made his decision for Baptism.
Enjoy your time in that beautiful part of the country. Blessings to you!
oooo Kentucky and Tennessee - - looks very promising. Can't wait to see what you've envisioned. I hope you receive a lot of peace there at camp, even though it's bittersweet to be there.
You are cradled in love and supported with prayer. I am so happy to read that you are surrounded by friends and campers in a healing and caring Christian setting such as this, what a blessing for you all.
It sounds like a much needed time away to rest and reflect. Also a good place to be held up by friends in prayer.
I love going to church camp and working with the teens. I am sure it is very bittersweet for you.
Aren't all projects short on time? Mine are. All of the time.
What a beautiful place for a little relaxation and reflection! I curious as well to see what you are up to with those "states." :) Hugs!
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