
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Accomplish Something Today

About a year ago I put up a sign in my sewing room:
My dear friend, Jennifer, said, "Good idea! Does it work!?" LOL!

Well it worked for a while.  Surrounded as I always am by unfinished projects, I desperately penned the motivational message (so much nicer than "Get your butt in gear!!!") and proceeded to, well, accomplish something.

My motivation has waned, though, so it's time to crank up the old "get-r-done" attitude and tie in.

Today is the perfect day.  It's raining, and there's a retreat looming on the horizon -- on Friday a bunch of the gals in my club are converging on Paula's Quilting Pantry for two days of finishing (or trying to!) projects.  Today, I'm getting projects ready for retreat!

On Friday I think I'll work on Dear Jane.  She is still dear to me :-) And as I put her upper torso on the design wall, I feel the kindling of romance for her again.  The wider-than-the-pattern-indicates sashing will be the backdrop for hand quilting.  I've opted to forgo the pieced/appliqued triangles, too, prefering to hand quilt the designs on the blank canvas. :-)

Jane's "upper torso" on the design wall.  She's so heavy I had to use pins!

Corners and triangles
Jane's lower extremeties!
I'll use all day Friday to work on her, then on Saturday I may move to other projects on my "to do" list.  I plan to work very hard.

To accomplish something!

Proverbs 31 offers the picture of the perfectly efficient super woman (not a new concept, at all, is it!?) who manages to accomplish everything -- from running Wall Street to designing haute couture to ranching and ending world hunger!

For this weekend, I'll draw inspiration from verses 17, 18 and 22 --  "She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.  She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night....She makes coverings for her bed..."

And just to be safe, I think I'll bring my "Accomplish Something Today" sign with me!
Mary Lou


Debbie said...

Love you, Mary Lou.

farmhousequilter8 said...

With all this blogging, I am expecting you to write a book before long....just kidding don't get into that; there are too many quilts to quilt.....We are all ready for the is bought, cooked later in the week and ready to eat....working on wool today and enjoying the rain.... Paula

Jennifer said...

Read an interesting article that likened the Proverbs 31 woman to Jesus. She was included as an ideal which none of us can live up to. I like it; it lets me off the hook!

Anonymous said...

Your work is beautiful! I will be checking your blog often, Mary Lou. Have fun on your retreat! Friends, food and fabric-what fun!
~Joyce in MI

Lori said...

For several years I've been hand quilting my DJ quilt. I always love bringing it out- it brings me such joy. Yours is very beautiful.

Now, go accomplish something!! LOL

Patty Sumner said...

Retreat sounds like fun! I read your "after retreat blog", sounds like you had fun and lots was accomplished. Keep on quilting!