I told Jeff that for some 15 years as a stay-at-home/homeschooling mom, I haven't spent money on clothes, make-up, or jewelry, but that's all about to change!! He took the news like a man. Busted out in a big cry and begged me to be just as plain-jane as I've always been!! LOL Nah...I think he's down with my new bad self. :-D
I admit, however, to being intrigued with the phrases the brands are using to tout their wares...
"Amazing Lift!"
Who couldn't use some amazing lift!!?
Got me thinking about what "lifts" me....
A couple of Sundays ago, my friend Lynette gave me a "Sunshine Bag." A bright green tote filled with lots of little packages, with notes attached to each one. What the...!? Her card said, "Your 'sunshine bag' is filled with just 'stuff' that will hopefully bring a smile and encourage."
Check this out!
What else lifts me?
Beauty! is another thing...
Quilts, of course...
The red and green I was fortunate enough to photograph at a museum display before being told that photographs weren't allowed. (There weren't any signs! hehehe) The log cabin is my own, and the quilting still takes my breath!! Done by Mary at Quilt Hollow, there's not another quilt in my house that rivals its beauty. I fondle it frequently! LOL
Humor -- always a lifter!! My friend Rebecca tagged me in this one on facebook...
And of course, family.
We snapped this photo on Skype while Jeff was in Afghanistan...
The fuzzy blue robe on the left?? That's me....
Yet another reason for new "foundation garments!" LOL

Paul wrote to the Philippians a verse you've heard me quote before....
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praise-worthy -- think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)
All around us are things that God has provided for "amazing lift!" What is lifting you today!?
You are an amazing lift to me and so many of your followers. Your strength and faith are an inpiration.
I totally agree with what Laura said, and cannot say it any better! Your strength and faith are my inspiration too.
Had to giggle about the undies though! LOL
Have a happy day!
This post is certainly a lift...it is rainging buckets in SE lower Michigan! I love the scale comic...nearly wet my pants. NOTE TO SELF: pee before reading Mary Lou's posts. You are so right about little things that lift. What a fabulous world it would be if people focused on the majority of stuff that is going RIGHT, all the things that are blessings, instead of laser-pointing at the small stuff and small people.
After losing 70 pounds, I am in DESPERATE need of new (can I say it here?!?)...undies. The baggy clothes I can deal with and maybe even alter, as this is a long road and I don't want to buy new clothes just yet. But the granny panties and the the bra that has been stretched to within a thread of death...well, it AIN'T pretty! I've been a nerdy nellie so long, I hope I can figure it all out again. You go, girl!! The makeover pictures were so fun and beautiful...maybe my daughter and I need to go do something like that some weekend (if I can get her out of her boots and horse-riding pants long enough...).
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
You're so wonderful! This was a post that lifted me! I first was reminded of a pair of undies my SIL and I happened upon at the store...they had a butt shape in them...I guess if you are flat as the side of the barn, they help you to look like you have junk in your trunk!
Then your weigh yourself comic was great. I pinned it...I know it will bring lots of smiles!
Praying God continues to comfort your heart. (((HUGS)))
YOU lift me. Thank you for being a beacon of light to all that is good and honest and true. God, you and some really good powerful spandex; my support team!
I always get a lift from your posts - I'm always excited to click on it when a new one appears in my blogroll! other things that give me a lift? An "I love you, Nana" from my granddaughter, an unexpected hug from my hubby, beautiful weather on the weekend when we have time to go out on the boat!
Always words of wisdom from a woman who lifts us all--and makes us laugh, too. Thank you, Mary Lou!
I get a lift from being around positive people, and you are definitely one of them. Sunshine always makes me feel good too.
We're fortunate if we can find things--and people--who lift us when we need help. I'm not ready to buy any of the lifters as you did, (I shop only for simple, cotton, granny-style undies), but you're definitely an uplifting person in my life and in the lives of all who stop here and visit.
Bless you, and wear all those uplifters (or lift uppers) in good health.
You are so sweet. What a wonderful friend to make up the package.
Hope Jeff is liking the "little lifts" too! hahahaha
NOw that is what was wrong with scale...thanks for the tip, LOL!! I think new undies and things give us a emotional lift too...enjoy!
You are an amazing woman! I found your blog last year and am always uplifted by your messages. Your faith and love shines through even in light of the most tragic of events. We are all blessed to "know" you!
~Joyce in MI
Thankyou for your blog, I found it recently and come back now.
May God bless you as you bless others. THankyou.
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