I'm finding it hard this just-turned Thanksgiving morning to find words...
This is our first without Sam, and it surely feels like something vital is missing...laughter, noise, and that greatest of all holiday accessories, the teenage-boy-eating-machine!! :-) I've dreaded the holidays this year, knowing these "firsts" will be difficult. Funny...we anticipate with such impatience the firsts of life's beginning. First teeth, first steps, first words. Not so much those firsts of life's end.
I spent some time earlier this evening looking at photos from last Thanksgiving...

We traveled to Mississippi with "adopted" family -- ties forged between children and mothers who share adventures and hobbies, and time and treasures. What a blessed, sweet time we had together!

This is our first without Sam, and it surely feels like something vital is missing...laughter, noise, and that greatest of all holiday accessories, the teenage-boy-eating-machine!! :-) I've dreaded the holidays this year, knowing these "firsts" will be difficult. Funny...we anticipate with such impatience the firsts of life's beginning. First teeth, first steps, first words. Not so much those firsts of life's end.
I spent some time earlier this evening looking at photos from last Thanksgiving...

And I find myself thankful for friends and family and times that can never be recaptured but can always be remembered.
And thankful for here and now...
And all that is to come.
As I shed a few tears tonight, a Word came to me from Joshua...
The book of Joshua in the Old Testament begins, "After the death of Moses..." and God gives a charge to Joshua as he is to be the leader of Israel. "Be strong and courageous" God tells him, three different times!
The final time He says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1: 9 NIV)
Perhaps I can find words, after all.
Thank You, Lord, for so many blessings. Beautiful children that You entrused to me and Jeff, one who has already accomplished all You purposed for him and who is with You now!, a wonderful home, memories that are not only precious to this momma's heart, but include testimony of Your goodness and mercy and what You can do with a life given to You.
And thank You for Your Presence and Your promises to never leave nor forsake. How well I know You keep Your word!!
May God richly bless YOU this Thanksgiving!!