But....I'll just tell ya...Jeff being home on R & R from Afghanistan has put a damper on my sewing room time! :-) It's a good thing, of course, but I an accustomed to sewing everyday and leisurely reading blogs on my computer and leaving facebook up on my own I.D. Having him home means re-arranging my priorities a bit, and it's thrown me off my routine! I'm having withdrawals! LOL
But I've gotten little doses of quilt-mania that are sew refreshing! :-D
As usually happens, a lady inquired about my quilt blocks....and then talked with me about her current projects!! Another quilter -- an instant connection!! Moira is new to the area, so I invited her to Mountain Laurel Quilters, gave her my phone number and was thrilled to talk "quilt" while Jeff talked with the doctor (nothing serious, a rash on his hands and feet that needs some prescription-strength cream).
Later, my friends Autumn and Tracy looked over the blocks and played with arranging them....one of my favorite parts of making the Tumbling Blocks!
I love the instant connection we make as quilters! It happens both off-line and on- and it is a blessing every time. During this week when I need to keep my quilting more subdued so as not to neglect my gone-for-the-last-eight-months spouse (!), having a dose of quilting tonic with new friends and old is an extra special blessing.
The apostle Paul told Timothy, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine." (2 Timothy 4:2 KJV)
So Jeff has my (mostly!) undivided attention. The UFO for February, Moon and Stars Whimsy, is languishing; perhaps March will be more productive for all those projects I'm delaying while I spend time with Jeff and accomplish some things he wants to see done while he's home. For now, I have Tumbling Blocks for ballgames and doctor's offices, with old and new friends. Connections abound!!
It's always good to be a quilter!!